Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) User Attributes

Readers: For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all readers, see:

Writers: For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all writers, see:

Fixed Schema

The user attributes for this format come from the schema; they are visible in the Feature Type > User Attributes tab, but you cannot modify them.

Feature types and their corresponding user attributes are listed below.

Note that not all feature types or attributes are mandatory.

Attribute data types may be string, int, float, or boolean.

Some string attribute names end in {} which means they only accept list values. Use building_ids{0} to write out a single building_id value to the building_ids{} list.

Dot notation is used to represent json objects in the form of parent.child elements. So represents the value of fr within the name object. Attributes like name that contain child elements may accept strings or json objects such as the name / language object described in the Default Language writer parameter. For more information on how to write JSON objects, see the tutorial links in Resources.

Feature Types

address footprint opening
amenity geofence relationship
anchor kiosk section
building level unit
detail manifest venue
fixture occupant  


Geometry: json_no_geom


address string
country string
id string
locality string
postal_code string
postal_code_ext string
postal_code_vanity string
province string
unit string


Geometry: json_point

Attribute Value
accessibility{} string
address_id string
alt_name string
category string
correlation_id string
hours string
id string
name string
phone string
unit_ids{} string


Geometry: json_point

Attribute Value
id string
address_id string
unit_id string


Geometry: json_no_geom

Attribute Value
address_id string
alt_name string
category string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
id string
name string
restriction string


Geometry: json_line

Attribute Value
id string
level_id string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
alt_name string
anchor_id string
category string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
id string
level_id string
name string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
building_ids{} string
category string
id string
name string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
alt_name string
building_ids{} string
category string
correlation_id string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
id string
level_ids{} string
name string
parents{} string
restriction string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
alt_name string
anchor_id string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
id string
level_id string
name string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
address_id string
building_ids{} string
category string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
id string
name string
ordinal int
outdoor boolean
restriction string
short_name string

manifest (reader only)

Geometry: json_no_geom

Attribute Value
version string
created string
language string


Geometry: json_point

Attribute Value
anchor_id string
category string
correlation_id string
hours string
id string
level_id string
name string
phone string
validity.end string
validity.modified string
validity.start string
website string


Geometry: json_line

Attribute Value
access_control{} string
accessibility{} string
alt_name string
category string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
door.automatic boolean
door.material string
door.type string
id string
level_id string
name string


Geometry: json_no_geom

Attribute Value
category string
destination.feature_type string string
direction string
hours string
id string
intermediary{}.feature_type string
intermediary{}.id string
origin.feature_type string string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
accessibility{} string
address_id string
alt_name string
category string
correlation_id string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
id string
level_id string
name string
parents{} string
restriction string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
accessibility{} string
alt_name string
category string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
id string
level_id string
name string
restriction string


Geometry: json_polygon

Attribute Value
address_id string
alt_name string
category string
display_point.x float
display_point.y float
hours string
id string
name string
phone string
restriction string
website string