OGC GeoPackage Tiles Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

GeoPackage Tiles features specify a grid of x and y.

The following format attributes are returned for each raster table in the GeoPackage.

Attribute Name



This will always be geopackage_raster.


Field name for tiled gridded coverage raster.

See Field Name writer feature type parameter.


Grid cell encoding for tiled gridded coverage raster.

See Grid Cell Encoding writer feature type parameter.


Cell value precision for tiled gridded coverage raster.

See Precision writer feature type parameter.


Quantity definition for tiled gridded coverage raster.

See Quantity Definition writer feature type parameter.


Unit of measure for cell values in tiled gridded coverage raster.

See Unit of Measure writer feature type parameter.


Unique identifier for each raster that corresponds to the name of the tiles table in the GeoPackage file.


Indicates the zoom level that a given raster defines. This is expected to be a numeric value and contiguous with other zoom-level values.