BC MoF Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) Reader/Writer (deprecated)
BC Ministry of Forests (MoF) Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) is a set of XML/GML formats that allow clients to submit data electronically to BC Ministry of Forests and Range and Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Four ESF formats are supported:
- ESF_ABR: Electronic Submission Framework - As Built Roads
- ESF_FSP: Electronic Submission Framework - Forest Stewardship Plan
- ESF_FTA: Electronic Submission Framework - Forest Tenure Application: The BC Ministry of Forests (MoF) Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) FTA is a GML format specifying Forest Tenures (FTA) submissions for the British Columbia Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework.
- ESF_RESULTS: Electronic Submission Framework - RESULTS: The BC Ministry of Forests (MoF) Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) RESULTS is a GML format specifying silviculture (RESULTS) submissions for the British Columbia Ministry of Forests Electronic Submission Framework.
For more information, please see:
Viewing Output
When you generate a result, open it with the FME Data Inspector application using the appropriate ESF reader format.
If the results look good, check Validate Dataset in the Reader Parameters. This applies the same schema check that the MOF ESF submission website applies to an online submission (which will be rejected unless the XML is acceptable).
Reading Nonspatial Tabular Data
Normally, FME can read CSV or Excel files that are simple flat tables, with one header row at the top that contain the field names. You may need to:
- Copy and paste some of your tables from your multiple-tab Excel table into a separate Excel or CSV file;
- Open the Reader Parameters and select Field Names on First Row (Yes or No) for Excel; or Lines to Skip (Header) for CSV.