ASTM E57 Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Attribute Name Contents
e57_type This will always be e57_point_cloud.
e57_creation_datetime Date and time that the file was created.
e57_creation_datetime_isatomicclockreferenced This attribute will be present with a value of 1 if, and only if, the time stored in e57_creation_datetime is obtained from an atomic clock time source. Shall be either 0 or 1.
e57_extensions{}.prefix A list of extension prefixes.
e57_extensions{}.uri A list of the URI for each extension.

Name of the format. Shall contain the string "ASTM E57 3D Imaging Data File".

This is a reader attribute.

e57_guid A globally unique identification (GUID) String for the current version of the file.
e57_library_version The version identifier for the E57 file format library that wrote the file.
e57_geometry_index The index of this point cloud or raster in the file.

The major version number of the file format.

This is a reader attribute.


The minor version number of the file format.

This is a reader attribute.

Point Cloud Geometries

This format adds the following format-specific traits for point cloud geometries.

Trait Name Contents
e57_acquisition_start The start date and time that the data was acquired.
e57_acquisition_start_isatomicclockreferenced This attribute will be present with a value of 1 if, and only if, the time stored in e57_acquisition_start is obtained from an atomic clock time source. Shall be either 0 or 1.
e57_acquisition_end The end date and time that the data was acquired.
e57_acquisition_end_isatomicclockreferenced This attribute will be present with a value of 1 if, and only if, the time stored in e57_acquisition_end is obtained from an atomic clock time source. Shall be either 0 or 1.
e57_atmospheric_pressure The atmospheric pressure, measured at the sensor, at the time of data collection (in Pascals).
e57_description A description of the point cloud.
e57_guid A globally unique identifier for the current version of the point cloud.
e57_original_guids{} A list of globally unique identifiers identifying the data set (or sets) from which the points in this point cloud originated.
e57_relative_humidity The percentage relative humidity, measured at the sensor, at the time of data collection.
e57_sensor_hardware_version The version identifier for the sensor hardware at the time of data collection.
e57_sensor_model The model name or number for the sensor used to collect the points in this point cloud.
e57_sensor_serial_number The serial number for the sensor used to collect the points in this point cloud.
e57_sensor_software_version The version identifier for the software used for the data collection.
e57_sensor_vendor The name of the manufacturer for the sensor used to collect the points in this point cloud.
e57_temperature The ambient temperature, measured at the sensor, at the time of data collection (in degrees Celsius).

Additional Notes

E57 elements that are not part of the set (that is, user attributes, traits, or components not listed above) should be stored in "Extensions." Each extension in a file shall be defined by a prefix and namespace. Extensions are controlled in FME through the e57_extensions{}.prefix and e57_extensions{}.uri format attributes. On reading, these attributes specify the extensions in the source dataset. On writing, these attributes may be used to define extensions. User attributes, traits, and components should be stored in extensions to ensure compatibility with other E57 readers. So for example, instead of writing a user attribute called "myAttr", one might would write a user attribute called "ext:myAttr", and define the "ext" extension through the e57_extensions{}.prefix and e57_extensions{}.uri format attributes.

Raster Geometries

This format adds the following format-specific traits for raster geometries.

Trait Name Contents
e57_acquisition_datetime The date and time that the image was acquired.
e57_acquisition_datetime_isatomicclockreferenced This attribute will be present with a value of 1 if, and only if, the time stored in e57_acquisition_datetime is obtained from an atomic clock time source. Shall be either 0 or 1.
e57_associated_pointcloud_guid The globally unique identifier for the point cloud object that was being acquired when the picture was taken.
e57_description A user-defined description for the image.
e57_image_representation The representation of the image. Values are visualReferenceRepresentation, pinholeRepresentation, sphericalRepresentation, and cylindricalRepresentation.
e57_raster_format The underlying format in which the raster is stored. Either PNGRASTER or JPEG.
e57_rotation_w The scalar part of the rotation quaternion.
e57_rotation_x The i coefficient of the rotation quaternion.
e57_rotation_y The j coefficient of the rotation quaternion.
e57_rotation_z The k coefficient of the rotation quaternion.
e57_sensor_model The model name or number for the sensor.
e57_sensor_serial_number The serial number for the sensor.
e57_sensor_vendor The name of the manufacturer for the sensor used to collect the image.
e57_separate_image_mask Whether the image mask (alpha band) is stored in a separate blob from the data.


This format adds the following format-specific traits for raster geometries with an image representation of pinholeRepresentation:

Trait Name Contents
e57_focal_length The camera’s focal length (in meters).
e57_pixel_height The height of the pixels in the camera (in meters).
e57_pixel_width The width of the pixels in the camera (in meters).
e57_principal_point_x The X coordinate in the image of the principal point, (in pixels). The principal point is the intersection of the z axis of the camera.
e57_principal_point_y The Y coordinate in the image of the principal point (in pixels).


This format adds the following format-specific traits for raster geometries with an image representation of sphericalRepresentation:

Trait Name Contents
e57_pixel_height The width of a pixel in the image (in radians).
e57_pixel_width The height of a pixel in the image (in radians).


This format adds the following format-specific traits for raster geometries with an image representation of cylindricalRepresentation:

Trait Name Contents
e57_pixel_height The height of a pixel in the image (in meters).
e57_pixel_width The width of a pixel in the image (in radians).
e57_principal_point_y The Y coordinate in the image of the principal point (in pixels). This is the intersection of the z = 0 plane with the image.
e57_radius The closest distance from the cylindrical image surface to the center of projection (that is, the radius of the cylinder) (in meters).