Google Cloud Spanner: User Attributes

Readers: For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all readers, see:

Writers: For information on the parameters in this dialog that are common to all writers, see:

User attributes for this format are defined below.


The name of the column to be written.


The type of a column in a table. The valid values for the column type are listed below:


This type is used to represent a Boolean value of true or false.


This type is used to represent a variable-length byte array up to a length of 10485760.


This type is used to represent date data from January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999.

See Standard FME Date/Time Format.


This type is used to represent 64-bit floating precision numbers.


This type is used to represent 64-bit signed integers.


This type is used to represent variable-length character data up to a length of 2621440 characters.


This type is used to represent date and time data from January 1, 0001 to December 31, 9999 with an accuracy of 1 nanosecond.


The types of indexes and constraints to create for the column, if the table is created. The valid values for the column type are:

PrimaryKey: A primary key with non-nullable and unique constraints. All columns flagged this way will be part of the Primary Key.

NotNull: A non-nullable constraint.