Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service Writer Parameters

Service Connection

These are the credentials required to log into ArcGIS Online.


Note  Writers created before FME 2022.1 will have a single Feature Service parameter which is used to specify the Feature Service.

Item Source

This parameter is used to determine whether the feature service to write to will be specified using a user folder or a group.

  • User Content (default) – Select this option when writing to a user folder. This option enables the Feature Service Handling parameter.

  • Group – Select this option only when writing to an existing feature service.


This parameter is used when Item Source is set to User Content and specifies the name of the target folder for the feature service.

The default value of / (forward slash) represents the root user folder. Clicking the Browse button will display a list of a user’s folders.


This parameter is used when Item Source is set to Group and specifies the ID of a group for an existing feature service. Clicking the Browse button will display a list of the groups a user belongs to, as well as all the groups in their organization.

Feature Service Handling

This parameter is only available when Item Source is set to User Content.

  • Use Existing – This is the default value. The Selected Feature Service parameter can be used to specify the existing feature service.
  • Create If Needed – If the specified Feature Service does not exist in the specified folder, the ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer will create it. The Feature Service Name and If Feature Service Exists parameters can be used to specify the feature service. Refer to the Feature Service Creation sections in ARCGISPORTALFEATURES or ARCGISONLINEFEATURES for details regarding this procedure.
  • Overwrite Existing – If the specified Feature Service exists, it will be overwritten. The Selected Feature Service parameter can be used to specify the existing feature service. If the feature service specified does not exist at runtime, this will create a feature service.
  • When creating or overwriting a Feature Service, the feature operation of all the writer’s feature types should be set to Insert. Note that the Feature Type Handling option should not be set to Truncate Existing.
  • If you wish to share a new Feature Service with a group, you can first create it in your own account and then share it to the group using the the Esri ArcGIS Online Connector.

Selected Feature Service

This parameter is only available when Feature Service Handling is set to Overwrite Existing or Use Existing.

This parameter is used to specify a single feature service. Clicking the Browse button will display a list of all the feature services in the selected group or user folder. Once selected, the Feature Service Item ID will be appended to the name of the feature service.

Feature Service Name

This parameter is only available when Feature Service Handling is set to Create if Needed.

Enter the name of a feature service. If the feature service does not exist in the user folder, it will be created.

An Item ID can optionally be appended to the feature service name. Assuming the correct user folder is selected, these are all valid ways to specify an existing feature service with name My Feature Service and ID 567aba67c25cb60ee159d3fbe2b16eff:

  • My Feature Service(567aba67c25cb60ee159d3fbe2b16eff)
  • (567aba67c25cb60ee159d3fbe2b16eff)
  • My Feature Service
  • When creating a new Feature Service, provide only the name of the new Feature Service.
  • If you manually enter an ID, you must enclose it within parentheses. Providing a Feature Service Item ID will override the destination specified by the User Folder or Group parameters. The provided ID must match a Feature Service item on ArcGIS Online; otherwise, the writer will fail when the translation is run.

If Feature Service Exists

This parameter is only available when Feature Service Handling is set to Create if Needed.

This parameter controls behavior when the feature service specified with Feature Service Name exists.

  • Use Existing – This is the default value. If the feature service exists, write to it without modifying the layer schema.
  • Overwrite Existing – If the specified Feature Service exists, it will be overwritten.


Target WKID

This optional parameter specifies the target spatial reference of the published Feature Service. It’s only applicable when the writer creates a Feature Service.

The default value is WKID 102100. This value corresponds to the Web Mercator projection, which is the standard projection used to create XYZ tiled web maps. If not specified, the server default is used (which is typically also WKID 102100).
