Common Format Attributes

The following KML format attributes are common to most of the fixed schema feature types.

KML Format Attribute



This list attribute is only used if the kml_additional_files{}.path attribute is also set.

The entries in this list are the location to which the corresponding files in the path list should be copied. If the path is relative (for example, img/pic.jpg) the source file will be copied relative to the file containing the feature. If the path is absolute, (for example, /img/pic.jpg) the source file will be copied relative to the root file of the dataset.

If the href is empty, the source file will be copied into the same folder as the dataset root file.

kml_additional_files{}.path If a feature requires additional files to be included in the output dataset, set the source paths of the files in this list attribute.


The ID of the AnimatedUpdate element to which the node belongs.


Overrides the parameter Create Attribute Table in Description Balloon.


Overrides the parameter Copy Icons to Destination Dataset .


Overrides Generate Raster Ground Overlays setting for the feature.


The name of the document to which this feature belongs.

For Document features, this specifies the filename of the KML file for the document.


See kml_document above.


The href from which the parent document was retrieved.


The local path to the parent document.

This path may be in a temporary location, and may become invalid upon the completion of the translation. By default, all temporary files are removed when the reader closes.


Overrides the parameter Use HTML in Description Balloon .

If enabled, a CDATA wrapper will be added to the description, snippet, and balloon text elements.


Overrides Information Point Icon setting for the feature.


A unique string value that will be used by other elements/features to refer to this one.


The id of the parent Folder element. Does not apply to Document elements.


Overrides RASTER_COMPRESSION_LEVEL setting for the feature.

(RASTER_COMPRESSION_LEVEL specifies the raster compression level that should be used if the Raster Handling Mode is Write. See the GEOTIFF and JPEG writers for appropriate values.)

FME Workbench Parameter: Not applicable


Overrides the parameter Raster Handling Mode for the feature.


Raw XML text that can be added to contents of the feature's element.


Specifies the value to use for ordering the feature within the parent container.


Overrides the parameter Update Target HREF (NetworkLinkControl) .


The ID of the Tour to which the node belongs.


Specifies the update mode for the feature. Values can be “create”, “change”, or “delete”.