Restricting Licenses to Users or Groups

You can restrict floating licenses to specific users, groups, or machines. Create a file called safe.opt in the FlexServer directory. There is no need to reference this file in any other configuration files; FlexNet knows to look for it automatically. However, the file must be named safe.opt, and it must be in the same folder as safe.exe.

Any licenses reserved for a user are dedicated to that user. Even when that user is not actively using the license, it is unavailable to other users.


Here is an example of an options file:

RESERVE 1 smallworld GROUP groupA

GROUP groupA xxxx yyyy

RESERVE 1 smallworld GROUP groupB

GROUP groupB aaaa

This example reserves one FME Form license for users xxxx and yyyy, who are in group groupA, and one license for user aaaa, who is in group groupB. GROUP member names are case-sensitive.

To restrict a license to specific hosts (that is, machines) instead, replace the keyword GROUP with HOST_GROUP.

For more documentation, including additional options, see <FlexServer>\Documents\LicenseAdministration.pdf, where <FlexServer> is the directory where you installed the FlexNet software.