FME Form: 2024.1

TM-MNDOT: Transverse Mercator, Minnesota DOT Variation

This is a minor variation of the traditional version of the Transverse Mercator projection. This particular variation supports the county coordinate systems developed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. It uses a parallel ellipsoid technique to adjust horizontal coordinates to average elevation of the region being mapped.

Parameter Name



Longitude, in degrees, of the central meridian.


Average elevation, in system units, above the ellipsoid of the region being mapped.


Latitude, in degrees, of the origin of the projection.


The scale reduction to be applied. This is also referred to as the scale of the central meridian.


The false easting to be applied to all X coordinates, selected to cause all X coordinates within the coordinate system to be positive values of reasonable size.


The false northing to be applied to all Y coordinates.