OGC WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) Reader Parameters
WMTS Connection
The URL for the WMTS server. A typical URL specifying a WMTS server looks like:
After you have completely specified the connection, click the Browse button to select layers for import. A connection window appears while the system compiles a list from the WMTS server.
Once the layer list appears, you can select one of the layers, and then click OK to dismiss the window. The layer name will appear in the layer list field in the Reader Parameters box.
Prefer Dataset URL
This option prioritizes the WMTS source URL to build the GetTile request.
It will not use the defaults from the GetCapabilities result returned by the WMTS server.
Preferred URL Encoding
This option prioritizes using either RESTful or KVPs encoding with the GetTile requests.
If the server does not support RESTful but supports KVPs, then KVPs encoding will still be used.
Continue on Tile Image Error
This option instructs the reader to continue downloading and reading tiles when the current tile results in an image reading error.
Use Network Authentication

Authentication Method
Specify the authentication method to use when accessing a password-protected server.
- Basic (default) – Basic access authentication is designed to allow a client to provide credentials to a server on the assumption that the connection between them is trusted and secure. Note that any credentials passed from client to server can be easily intercepted through an insecure connection.
- Digest – Digest authentication is one of the agreed-upon methods a web server can use to negotiate credentials, such as username or password, with a user's web browser.
- NTLM – A challenge-response protocol that is used to provide compatibility with versions of Windows earlier than the Windows 2000 operating systems.
- Web Connection – Web connections provide a convenient and secure way to store and reuse previously established connection parameters. See Web Connection below.
- Single Sign-on – FME will use the credentials of the current user to authenticate the HTTP request. This authentication method currently works only on the Windows operating system.
Web Connection

Maximum Number of Concurrent Tile Downloads – The value of this parameter indicates the maximum number of tiles that will be downloaded at the same time.
Default value |
3 |
When set to 1 |
A tile download will be fully processed before the next transfer can begin. |
When set to a number greater than 1 |
The reader will not wait for each transfer to finish before starting the next one. There may be multiple transfers occurring at the same time. This can provide significant performance benefits.
This value should be adjusted based on the ability of the WMTS server to handle multiple requests at the same time, taking into consideration that multiple requests increase the load on the server. |

When enabled, the WMTS Reader will attempt to retry requests that have failed, or returned an HTTP error.
Retry Option |
Description |
Error Types to Retry |
Allows users to select the types of errors that should lead to a retry attempt. The available options include connection errors such as a network timeout or dns failure, or various HTTP error codes in the 4xx-5xx range. |
Maximum Retry Attempts |
Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts that will be made for a single tile. Default: 3 |
Initial Backoff Time (msec) |
Specifies the amount of time that the transformer will wait before retrying a failed request. This value is provided in milliseconds. Subsequent retries of the same request will use a longer backoff time, with the time doubling for each request. Default: 500 Note This parameter will be ignored if the response to a failed request contains a "Retry-After" HTTP header. If this header is present, the request will be retried after the time or interval specified in the header value.

Retry Option |
Description |
Transfer Timeout (seconds) |
Used to set a timeout on HTTP transfers. If data stops being transferred for more than the given number of seconds, the request will fail. Default: 90 If 0 is entered, there will be no timeout, and the transformer will wait indefinitely for data to resume being transferred. |
Connection Timeout (seconds) |
Used to set a timeout on HTTP connection requests. If a connection to the server cannot be created within the given number of seconds, the request will fail. Default: 60 If 0 is entered, there will be no timeout, and the transformer will wait indefinitely for a successful connection. |

This parameter can be used to customize the request that FME will make to the server.
Name column – This is a list of commonly used header names. The table below gives brief descriptions. For more comprehensive descriptions and examples, see List of HTTP Header Fields and HTTP headers.
Value – Enter or construct from attribute values.

Name Column Choice |
Description |
Accept |
Acceptable media type(s) for the response. |
Accept-Charset |
Acceptable character sets. |
Accept-Datetime |
Acceptable version in time. |
Accept-Language |
List of acceptable languages for response. |
Authorization |
Credentials for HTTP authentication. |
Cache-Control |
Used to specify directives that must be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the request-response chain. |
Content-MD5 |
A Base64-encoded binary MD5 sum of the content of the request body. |
Cookie |
An HTTP cookie previously sent by the server with Set-Cookie. |
Requests a web application to disable user tracking, supported by most web browsers. |
Expect |
Indicates that particular server behaviors are required by the client. |
From |
The email address of the user making the request. |
If-Match |
Only perform the action if the client-supplied entity matches the same entity on the server. |
If-Modified-Since |
Allows a 304 Not Modified status code to be returned if content is unchanged. |
If-None-Match |
Allows a 304 Not Modified status code to be returned if content is unchanged. |
If-Range |
If the entity is unchanged, send the missing part(s); otherwise, send the entire new entity. |
Max-Forwards |
Limit the number of times the message can be forwarded through proxies or gateways. |
Origin |
Initiates a request for cross-origin resource sharing. |
Pragma |
Implementation-specific fields that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
Range |
Request only part of an entity. |
Referer [sic] Note The word referrer has been misspelled in most implementations since its incorporation into the original standards document. Referer has become a widely used spelling in the industry when discussing HTTP referrers.
The address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed. |
TE |
The form of encoding used to safely transfer information. |
User-Agent |
A characteristic string that identifies the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent. |
Upgrade |
Ask the server to upgrade to another protocol. |
Via |
Informs the server of proxies through which the request was sent. |
Warning |
A general warning about possible problems with the entity body. |
X-Forwarded-For |
A de facto standard for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or load balancer. |
X-Requested-With |
Mainly used to identify Ajax requests (most JavaScript frameworks send this field with value of XMLHttpRequest); also identifies Android apps using WebView |
Layer Options
Click the browse button (...) to open the Select Format dialog for selecting the GetTile request format. Select a format and click OK.
Tile Matrix Set
Click the browse button (...) to open the Tile Matrix Set dialog. Select a tile matrix set option and click OK.
This parameter allows you to select one of the predefined sets of tiles that the WMTS server provides.
Tile Matrix (Resolution)
Click the browse button (...) to open the Time Matrix (Resolution) dialog. Select the target resolution and click OK.
This parameter allows you to pick the resolution/zoom-level of the returned layer. The higher the resolution, the more tiles need to be retrieved from the server. When choosing a higher resolution, it is recommended to narrow down the area of interest by specifying a Tile Selection Method (refer to Tile Selection Options for more information).
Click the browse button (...) to open the Style dialog. Select a Style and click OK.
If not specified, the server uses the default style method specified in the GetCapabilities document. If no default style was specified, the first style option will be selected.
Tile Selection Options
OGC WMTS layers are represented by a variable number of raster tiles depending on the resolution/zoom-level of the request. The WMTS Reader allows you to choose the zoom level by specifying a Tile Matrix which corresponds to a particular zoom-level.
Typically, servers provide an arbitrary scale for zoom-levels (for example, 0 to 20, where 0 provides the least resolution and 20 provides the most resolution). Some servers may have a defined scale (for example, 1000m to 1m, where 1000m provides the least resolution and 1m provides the most resolution).
When choosing a higher resolution, it is recommended to use one of the Selection Types listed below to reduce the number of tiles returned from the server.
WMTS servers divide the layer into a number of tile rows and columns. FME allows you to query specific tile(s) by choosing a selection type.
Selection Type
The Selection Type can be one of four options:

This is the default selection type. All tiles in the layer will be returned.

Selects a single tile at a specific location by referencing the tile row and column:
- Select Tile Row – The row number of the target tile.
- Select Tile Column – The column number of the target tile.

Selects a subset of tiles in the layer by referencing a range of tile row and column.
- Tile Row Min – The lower bound row number of the target tile range.
- Tile Column Min – The lower bound column number of the target tile range.
- Tile Row Max – The upper bound row number of the target tile range.
- Tile Column Max – The upper bound column number of the target tile range.

Using the minimum and maximum x and y parameters, define a bounding box that will be used to filter out the tiles outside of the bounding box. Only the subset of tiles that intersect with or reside in the bounding box are returned.
Minimum X – The lower bound x value.
Minimum Y – The lower bound y value.
Maximum X – The upper bound x value.
Maximum Y – The upper bound y value.
Bounding Box Coordinate System – Specifies the coordinate system of the extents given.
Schema Attributes

Additional Attributes to Expose
Use this parameter to expose Format Attributes in FME Workbench when you create a workspace:
- In a dynamic scenario, it means these attributes can be passed to the output dataset at runtime.
- In a non-dynamic scenario, this parameter allows you to expose additional attributes on multiple feature types. Click the browse button to view the available format attributes (which are different for each format) for the reader.