TopoJSON (Topology JavaScript Object Notation) Writer Parameters

Write To

The number of JSON files that are written.

  • Multiple Files (default) – Each feature type is written to its own JSON file. Each JSON file is named after the feature type.
  • One File – Every feature type is written together in the same JSON file (which is named according to the File Name parameter).

File Name

Enter the name of the output JSON file. This parameter is optional and is only available when Write To is set to One File.

If this parameter is unused, then the JSON file is named after the folder to which it is being written.

Formatting Parameters

Formatting Type

The formatting of the output JSON file.

  • Linear: The entire JSON document is output on one line. This option produces the smallest possible JSON files.
  • Pretty Print: The JSON document will contain additional whitespace characters, making it much more human-readable.

Indent Size

This parameter controls the indentation style in the JSON document, and is enabled when Formatting Type is Pretty Print. The indentation style can use either tab characters, or a variable number of space characters.

Quantization Value

Quantization removes information by reducing the precision of each coordinate. The writer will use the value of this parameter to limit the range of the coordinates.

The default value is 100000, which is relatively accurate for grids of size up to 10000 x 10000. A smaller quantization value can reduce the size of the output file when writing out a large number of coordinates, at the cost of the precision and accuracy of the coordinates. See more information:

Orientation of Areas

Counterclockwise (default)  – Area geometries will be converted to a counterclockwise orientation.

Clockwise  – Area geometries will be converted to a clockwise orientation.

Reproject to WGS84

By default, the GeoJSON writer will reproject all features to the WGS84/EPSG:4326 coordinate system.

Setting this parameter to No will disable this automatic reprojection, and feature geometries will be written in the coordinate system they had when arriving at the writer.

Features with no coordinate system will be assumed to already be in the WGS84 coordinate system.

Write Bounding Box

Setting this parameter to No (the default) will disable writing the optional Bounding Box object.