Microsoft SharePoint List Reader/Writer

FME can read from and write to SharePoint Lists hosted on either a SharePoint Server instance, or on Microsoft SharePoint Online.

Version: For users connecting to a SharePoint site through their intranet, FME works with SharePoint Server 2013 and higher. Microsoft's SharePoint Online service is always up-to-date.

For more information about SharePoint and SharePoint Online, visit

Reader Overview

There are different types of SharePoint Lists. These different types are also known as Apps. The SharePoint reader supports the following List types:

Announcements Form Library*
Asset Library* Issue Tracking
Calendar Links
Contacts Picture Library*
Custom List Promoted Links
Custom List in Datasheet Report Library*
Data Connection Library* Survey
Discussion Board Tasks
Document Library* Wiki Page Library*

*Library apps act in a similar way to a file system, storing documents, media, folders, etc.; however, the SharePoint Reader is not intended to import files. Features that are read from these Library apps will only contain the metadata pertaining to the files, and not the files themselves.

A SharePoint reader may have multiple Views which expose subsets of the Fields available within a List. One of these views is known as the Default View. The SharePoint Reader can read from either the Default View, or read all Fields: reading any View aside from the Default View is not supported.

For more information, see the Show All Fields parameter in the Microsoft SharePoint List Reader Parameters section.

The value for the Reader Dataset is a fully-qualified URL for a SharePoint Server or SharePoint Online site (for example,

Writer Overview

The SharePoint Writer can create, update, and delete Items within SharePoint Lists, as well as create and delete SharePoint Lists themselves.

SharePoint has multiple List types. Currently, the SharePoint Writer can only create Lists of the “Custom List” type.

The value for the Writer Dataset is a fully-qualified URL for a SharePoint Server or SharePoint Online site (for example,

Terminology Notes

  • A List is defined to be a feature type.
  • A View is a collection or subset of Fields in a List.
  • A Field (or column) is defined to be an attribute.
  • An Item (or row) is defined to be a feature.