Oracle Non-Spatial Writer Parameters
About Database Connections |
Database formats include a Database Connection parameter that defines and stores authentication information. For general information about sharing database connections, please see Note that Database Connection parameters differ slightly, depending on context and/or database format. |
Connection From the Connection parameter in a database format, you can do one of the following:
Database Connection
Select an existing Oracle database connection, or Add Database Connection...
Add Oracle Database Connection To define a new connection from the Connection parameter in an Oracle Non-Spatial format, see the topic Oracle Non-Spatial: Add Database Connection |

The name of the Oracle Workspace Manager workspace that will be used by the writer. All tables will be written using the same workspace.
If this parameter is omitted, or left blank, the default LIVE workspace will be used.

If this parameter is checked (default), the Oracle database connection remains open for other requestors. A persistent connection is useful for workspaces that are long-running, or published using FME Flow.
If this parameter is unchecked, the connection to the Oracle database is closed as soon as possible after data processing is complete.
Case Conversion
These parameters change the case of all feature type and attribute names in the output.

- UPPERCASE – Change all feature type names to uppercase text.
- lowercase – Change all feature type names to lowercase text.
- None – Do not make changes to any feature type names.

- UPPERCASE – Change all attribute names to uppercase text.
- lowercase – Change all attribute names to lowercase text.
- None – Do not make changes to any attribute names.

This parameter specifies the transaction number of the last successful transaction. When loading data for the first time, set this value to 0.
This parameter tells the writer when to start actually writing features into the database. The writer does not write any features until the incoming feature belongs to a transaction whose transaction number is one past the specified transaction number.
Specifying a value of 0 (which is the usual setting) causes every feature to be output. A non-zero value is only specified when a data load operation is being resumed after failing partway through.
This parameter is useful for resuming writing after a transaction fails. The log will print a message similar to this:
Translation aborted – rerun by setting the writer parameter “Transaction to Start Writing At” to n
where n is the transaction number. Transaction numbers are an integer sequence (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.). All features written in the transaction whose number is logged will have been rolled back.
At this point, you might discover a server access issue or an issue in the input features, such as features that violate the primary key constraint of the destination table. If you can resolve the issue without changing the ordering of input features (for example, restore access to the server, or regenerate the primary key attribute values on the features), you can then rerun translation by following the instruction in the log message.
During the rerun, all features in transactions prior to the transaction whose number is logged are processed by the translation, enter into the writer, and then become ignored. Features belonging to transactions whose number is equal to or greater than the transaction number logged will be written to the destination table.

This setting enables the creation of tables without data features.
- No - Tables are only created when receiving data features.
- Yes - Tables are created without data features if possible.

This parameter, also known as chunk size, specifies how many features the writer transmits over the network at a time to the database. Features will get cached in memory until this feature count is reached, and then they will be transmitted as a single chunk to the database. Features Per Transaction is normally a multiple of this parameter. Once all chunks in a transaction are received by the database, the transaction is committed.
This parameter has a significant impact on performance. When the database server is physically remote, round-trip time for data transmission can cause bottlenecks in data loading. To reduce network round-trip time, increase the value of this parameter.
Features Per Transaction
This parameter specifies how many features are written to the database before they are committed. It is usually a multiple of Bulk Write Size.
Note that the written feature count is at the writer level and not the feature type level.
- If this parameter is set to a small number: when a transaction fails, only a small number of features (for example, all features in that transaction) get rolled back.
- If this parameter is set to a large number: when a transaction fails, a large number of features get rolled back.
For optimal performance, make Features Per Transaction large (but not excessive), and set Bulk Write Size to the same value.

This parameter allows for the execution of SQL statements before writing to a table. For example, it may be necessary to clean up a table before attempting to write to it. The statements will be executed only when the first feature arrives at the writer.
For detailed information about SQL functions, click the corresponding menu item in the
.Available menu options depend on the format.
Multiple SQL commands can be delimited by a character specified using the FME_SQL_DELIMITER
directive, embedded at the beginning of the SQL block. The single character following this directive will be used to split the SQL block into SQL statements, which will then be sent to the database for execution. Note: Include a space before the character.
For example:
FME_SQL_DELIMITER ; DELETE FROM instructors ; DELETE FROM people WHERE LastName='Doe' AND FirstName='John'
Multiple delimiters are not allowed and the delimiter character will be stripped before being sent to the database.
Any errors occurring during the execution of these SQL statements will normally terminate the reader or writer (depending on where the SQL statement is executed) with an error. If the specified statement is preceded by a hyphen (“-”), such errors are ignored.

This parameter allows for the execution of SQL statements after a set of tables has been written. For example, it may be necessary to clean up a temporary view after creating it.
For detailed information about SQL functions, click the corresponding menu item in the
.Available menu options depend on the format.
Multiple SQL commands can be delimited by a character specified using the FME_SQL_DELIMITER
directive, embedded at the beginning of the SQL block. The single character following this directive will be used to split the SQL block into SQL statements, which will then be sent to the database for execution. Note: Include a space before the character.
For example:
FME_SQL_DELIMITER ; DELETE FROM instructors ; DELETE FROM people WHERE LastName='Doe' AND FirstName='John'
Multiple delimiters are not allowed and the delimiter character will be stripped before being sent to the database.
Any errors occurring during the execution of these SQL statements will normally terminate the reader or writer (depending on where the SQL statement is executed) with an error. If the specified statement is preceded by a hyphen (“-”), such errors are ignored.

This parameter specifies how the writer proceeds when a problem arises while converting a value from one of a feature’s attributes to an Oracle column value.
Examples of such problems would be the truncation of a string value to fit into the target character column, an error in writing a non-numeric attribute to a numeric column, or an error converting an FME geometry into an SDO_GEOMETRY value.
- Yes – The conversion errors result in warnings. Features are logged and dropped from the translation.
- No – The writer will silently write null values or truncated strings when conversion errors occur.
- Warn – The writer warns and writes null values or truncated strings when conversion errors occur.