Hexagon GeoMedia SQL Server Warehouse Writer Parameters

About Database Connections

Database formats include a Database Connection parameter that defines and stores authentication information. For general information about sharing database connections, please see Using Database Connections. Using Database Connections.

Note that Database Connection parameters differ slightly, depending on context and/or database format.


From the Connection parameter in a database format, you can do one of the following:

  • Select an existing, previously defined connection. See the section Reusing a Database Connection in Using Database Connections
  • Select Add Database Connection to define a new connection. See database-specific parameters below, as well as the section Adding a Database Connection in a Workspace in Using Database Connections. The new connection can be made visible only to the current user, or can be shared among multiple users.
Adding a Database Connection for Intergraph GeoMedia Access Warehouse and GeoMedia SQL Server Warehouse

Note that parameter selection may vary, depending on the format and Authentication method.

Text Options

GeoMedia Warehouse Version

Case Conversion

These parameters change the case of all feature type and attribute names in the output.
