In addition to supporting AutoCAD files up to version , FME also supports an alternate format that has a REALDWG format identifier. The presence of two alternate formats means that there are some parts of this documentation that apply to REALDWG specifically, and may be duplicating pre-existing information about the handling of AutoCAD files. One significance of the REALDWG reading and writing of AutoCAD files is that it complies with AutoDesk AutoCAD TrustedDWG™ reading and writing.
This format documentation assumes familiarity with AutoCAD-compatible systems and the entities (features) that are manipulated within these systems.
What is TrustedDWG?
Users can specify whether they would like Autodesk AutoCAD 2007 and newer versions to notify them when the DWG file they are opening was saved using an application that was not created by an Autodesk product or RealDWG licensee.