FME Form: 2024.1

ODBC Version

If you see this message:

Unable to open database: [NOTSUPPORTED] The specified ODBC Data Source uses an ODBC driver which conforms to an ODBC specification prior to the 3.0 specification. This driver version is not supported by DBTools.h++. Please upgrade to a newer driver. (Vendor Message 1 is: ) (Vendor Message 1 is: )

you may need to update your ODBC driver.

Safe Software was required to upgrade to a new version of some third-party database access libraries, to overcome some problems with Oracle database access. One unfortunate outcome is that the new version only works with ODBC drivers written to version 3.0 of the specification.

Although we do not recommend accessing Oracle via ODBC (we advise using a direct SQLNet connection to Oracle), you can get upgraded ODBC drivers directly from Oracle from visiting

Press the Downloads button, and select Oracle ODBC Drivers from the Technologies, Utilities, and Drivers area.