FME Form: 2024.1

SINUS: Sinusoidal Projection

Parameter Name



The longitude of the central meridian of the projection, in degrees, where positive indicates east longitude. It is this line of longitude which is straight and true to scale. The longitude is also considered the X origin of the projection. The Y origin is always the equator.


The false easting to be applied to all X coordinates, usually selected to cause all X coordinates within the coordinate system to be positive values of reasonable size. This is the X coordinate of the coordinate system origin.


The false northing to be applied to all Y coordinates. This is the Y coordinate of the coordinate system origin.


These 24 doubles can be used in groups of three to specify the zones of an interrupted Sinusoidal Projection. Leave all values set to zero for a standard single zone projection based on the origin longitude specified in the ORG_LNG element.