FME Form: 2024.1

PSTEROSL: Polar Sterographic with Standard Latitude Projection

The Polar Stereographic Projection with Standard Circle simply provides an alternative method of specifying the degree the projection plane is to be shrunk into the earth in order to achieve uniform projection distortion distribution. The traditional technique is with a scale reduction factor; that is, move the projection plane down into the earth to the degree necessary so that the scale distortion at the origin is equal to the scale reduction factor.

The standard circle is another way to specify the degree the projection plane is to be shrunk into the earth. In this case, we specify the latitude of the small circle created by the intersection of the earth and the projection plane.

Parameter Name



The latitude of the Standard Circle, in degrees.


The longitude, in degrees, of the origin of the projection.


The latitude, in degrees, of the origin of the projection. Must be either 90 degrees north (positive) or 90 degrees south (negative).


The false easting to be applied to all X coordinates, usually selected to cause all X coordinates within the coordinate system to be positive values of reasonable size. This is the X coordinate of the coordinate system origin.


The false northing to be applied to all Y coordinates. This value is the Y coordinate of the coordinate system origin.