FME Form: 2024.1

MSTERO: Modified Stereographic Projection

Parameter Name



Use these elements to specify the power series coefficients. Odd and even number pairs, for example, PARM1 and PARM2, are used to specify the real and imaginary components of the coefficients respectively. All other PARMs which represent unused coefficients must be set to zero. FME will determine the order of the series by looking for zero coefficients. Therefore, orders as high as 12 are supported. Orders higher than 12 are not supported.


The longitude, in degrees, of the origin of the projection.


The latitude, in degrees, of the origin of the projection.


This element must be set to 1.0.


The false easting to be applied to all X coordinates, usually selected to cause all X coordinates within the coordinate system to be positive values of reasonable size.


The false northing to be applied to all Y coordinates.