FME Form: 2024.1

BIPOLAR: Bipolar Oblique Conformal Conic

This projection is usually used only for the specific coordinate system for which it was invented. However, to remain consistent with the rest of the projections, the following parameters can be specified.

These parameters specify the location of the two poles upon which the projection is based. The first is always specified by latitude and longitude. The latitude of the second pole must always be specified. However the longitude of the second pole can either be specified directly (PARM3) or as an angular distance from the first pole (PARM5). If PARM5 is greater than zero, the second method is used. The parameter values usually used are shown in bold.

Parameter Name



Longitude, in degrees, of the first pole (usually the southwest). [-110.0]


Latitude, in degrees, of the first pole. [-20.0]


Longitude, in degrees, of the second pole (usually the north­east). [-19.9933333333]


Latitude, in degrees, of the second pole. [+45.0]


If greater than zero, this value is considered to be the angular distance, in degrees, from the first pole to the second pole and the longitude of the second pole is computed as such.

If this value is zero, the value provided in PARM3 is considered the longitude of the second pole. [+=104.0]


Angular distance, in degrees, from either pole to the first of two standard parallels. [+31.0]


Angular distance, in degrees, from either pole to the second of two standard parallels. [+73.0]


The false easting to be applied to all X coordinates, usually selected to cause all X coordinates within the coordinate system to be positive values of reasonable size. [0.0]


The false northing to be applied to all Y coordinates. [0.0]