FME Flow: 2025.0

IMAP Publisher Notification Content


The notification content that is generated by the IMAP publisher includes the following keywords:

  • fns_type: This value is "imap_publisher" to identify the message is relayed using the IMAP publisher.
  • imap_publisher_from: The email address of the email client that sent the mail.
  • imap_publisher_to: The email address that received the email. (Matches IMAP Email Account as configured in the IMAP publication).
  • imap_publisher_subject: The email subject
  • imap_publisher_content{n}: The email message content. Multiple "contents" appear in conjunction with multiple "content types," and have a suffix starting at {0}, {1}, {2}, and so on.
  • imap_publisher_content_type{n}: The email message content type. Multiple content types have a suffix starting at {0}, {1}, {2}, and so on. The most common content types are text/plain and text/html.
  • imap_publisher_sent: The date the email was sent.
  • imap_publisher_received: The date the email was received.
  • imap_publisher_attachment{n}: The attachment directory. Multiple attachments have a suffix starting at {0}, {1}, {2}, and so on. Forward slashes are supported. Backslashes must be escaped as double backslashes.

Sample Notification

The following is a sample JSON notification published by the IMAP publisher upon receiving an email to address '':


"fns_type": "imap_publisher",

"imap_publisher_to": "",

"imap_publisher_subject": "MIME message from sender",

"imap_publisher_content{0}": "Testing Email",

"imap_publisher_content_type{0}": "text/plain",

"imap_publisher_from": "",

"imap_publisher_received": "Tue Jan 28 11:45:46 PDT 2014",

"imap_publisher_sent": "Tue Jan 28 11:45:46 PDT 2014",

"imap_publisher_attachment{0}": "D:/FMEFlow/Data/20140128114546-MIME message from sender/demo246129673106713_canada.xsd"
