FME Flow: 2025.0

Upgrading to a Patch Build in Docker

When an FME Flow build is released, two tags are created for each component’s image. For example, if the release version is 2021.2, these tags are named 2021.2 and 2021.2-20211029, where 20211029 is the date the image was released.

The available tags for each FME Flow component can be found on Dockerhub.

Patch Builds

Images of each build are patched periodically with security updates. When this occurs, each image is released again with the current date as a suffix to the build number (for example, 2021.2-20211030). As well, the original tag (for example, 2021.2 is updated to refer to the most recently released version of the build. With this in mind, if it is preferable to lock down to a specific image and avoid updating to a patched version, use the timestamped tags. Otherwise, to always use the latest version of a build, use the non-timestamped tag (for example, 2021.2).

To upgrade to the latest patch build in a Docker Compose deployment

  1. Pull the latest images. Run:
  2. >> docker compose pull

  3. Update the FME Flow deployment with the new images. Run:
  4. >> docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

  5. Remove the old images. (They should be listed with repository <none> and tag <none>.)

To upgrade to a specific patch build

  1. Search for the build on Dockerhub or, which will display each of the patch builds for that build number.
  2. In your docker compose file, update each image tag (after the ‘:’ in the image name) to the desired build/timestamp.
  3. Update the FME Flow deployment with the new images. Run:
  4. >> docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

See Also