FME Form: 2025.0

Edit Header

Note  This tool is for advanced FME users.

Tools > Edit Header

Each format has an associated technical chapter in the FME Readers and Writers manual. This manual lists all the directives available for the format.

FME Workbench usually contains an associated parameter in the Navigator for each directive. If the Navigator does not list a parameter, you can edit the workspace header to include its associated directive.

  1. Click Tools > Edit Header to open the mapping file editor.
  2. Locate the relevant header section for the dataset whose directive you need to add, and insert it as a macro. For example:


You can also add the directive as a parameter in FME Workbench by including a string similar to this:

       GUI CHOICE _SUPP_FONT_DWG_1 YES%NO Suppress Font Warning: