FME Flow: 2025.0

WebSocket Message

The WebSocket trigger receives messages over TCP from a WebSocket-supported client, which can include the WebSocketConnector transformer in an FME workspace, and the following Java or HTML5 web browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox 11+
  • Chrome 16+
  • Safari 6+
  • Opera 12.10+

The WebSocket trigger has two output ports. The success port () can send a message if the trigger receives it successfully. The failure port (x) can send a message if the trigger fails to communicate with the client.

WebSocket Communication Channels

The WebSocket Server is located on the FME Flow Core. By default, FME Flow uses the following channels for WebSocket communication:

  • Port: 7078
  • URI: ws://<hostname>:7078/websocket

To configure the WebSocket server for SSL communication, see Configuring for HTTPS.


Tip  To test that your parameters work as expected, click Validate.
  • Target URL: This field is pre-populated with the URL of the FME Flow WebSocket Server (included with your FME Flow installation). Alternatively, you can connect to a different WebSocket server.
  • Stream ID: Specify the Stream ID for the trigger. The Stream ID allows the WebSocket server to identify messages and connect them to the trigger.

Output Attributes

See Also

Attribute Description
time Event time
source Event type

(Failure port only) Error type:

  • InvalidMessage: An error occurred while configuring this component, such as missing or malformed values.
  • DeadLetter: An error occured while connecting to an external resource. Examples may include connection issues, invalid credentials, or generic external resource exceptions.
error.message (Failure port only) Error message
message (Success port only) Message content

Messaging Protocol

See Also