FME Flow: 2025.0

Message Logger Properties

The following table lists the file path and properties of the message logger files.

FME Flow Core message logger


FME Flow Engines message logger


FME Flow Web Services message logger


Key Property



Boolean flag indicating whether or not to include a timestamp in the message log file. A value of "true" causes the timestamp to be included. Any other value causes it to be absent.


Boolean flag indicating whether or not to include the name of the thread that logged the message in the message log file. A value of "true" causes the thread name to be included. Any other value causes it to be absent.


Boolean flag indicating whether or not to append to the end of an existing message log file (if one exists) or to create a new one, overwriting (destroying) any same-named log file.

A value of "true" causes messages to be appended. any other value causes a new file to be created.


Maximum number of lines written to current logfile, after which it is closed, followed by possible deletion of older ones and creation of a new one to continue on with.


<= 0: Size limiting is NOT in effect.

> 0: Size-limiting IS in effect.


Maximum allowable age in seconds of previous versions of log files. Any log files older than this are deleted. Deletion of older log files only occurs when the current log file exceeds MAX_LOGFILE_LINES in size and is closed.


< 0: Previous log files NEVER deleted.

0: ALL previous log files deleted.

> 0: Previous log files older than specified value deleted.


Boolean flag indicating whether or not to display (echo) all messages sent to the message log file to the default system output device (console) as well. A value of "true" causes messages to be echoed to the console. Any other value prevents echoing.


Specifies the verbosity of debugging messages in log files. Can be set to NONE (default), LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH or SUPER_VERBOSE.

NONE: No debug messages are logged.

SUPER_VERBOSE: All debug messages are logged.

Warning  When updating this setting, take care not to add any white space characters, which may prevent the FME Flow Core service from starting.