FME Flow: 2025.0


# FME Server Config File Parameters.
# The FME Server program is started from the command line and takes one argument.
# This argument is the pathname of the configuration parameter file.
# Configuration parameters are used to set various operating characteristics
# of the FME Server. Values for these parameters are read in from this file
# when the FME Server is started. This configuration parameter file is an
# ASCII text file containing one parameter assignment on each line. Each
# assignment consists of a parameter name followed by an equal-sign followed
# by the parameter's value.
# For example, the line:
# assigns the "REQUEST_PORT" parameter a value of "7071".
# The FME Server is case-sensitive to parameter names. Blank lines and lines
# beginning with the "#" character are treated as comments and are ignored.
# Changes to any parameter value in this file will take effect only upon
# subsequent restart of the FME Server.
# The following parameters must be present in the config file and named exactly
# as shown:
# Port and Host Assignments
# WEBSOCKET_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for websocket
# requests.
# Log File
# LOG_CONFIG_PATH - The folder path that contains the log file configuration which by
# default is
# Note: For process specific log config paths just use the process prefix.
# ie. WEBSOCKET_LOG_CONFIG_PATH=<logconfigpath>
# WEBSOCKET_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the websocket process.
# WebSocket Settings
# WEBSOCKET_ENABLE_SSL - This is false by default. false if SSL is disabled, otherwise true if enabled.
# WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH - The full path and file to the WebSocket SSL keystore file.
# There are two types of keys that one can generate: a self-signed key and one generated from a
# certificate request. To generate keys you must install the Java Development Kit and use the key tool.
# To generate a self-signed key:
# 1. Install the JDK
# 2. Run the following command: keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA
# If your path is not set to the Java bin directory, navigate to that directory and type the appropriate
# command.
# 3. When prompted by the utility for your first and last name, enter the fully qualified hostname of
# the WebSocket server
# 4. Complete the remainder of the questions describing your organization (organization, city, state, country
# etc.) as appropriate.
# 5. When prompted for the password, use the same password as the keystore file password
# 6. The key store file is stored in the following location: <drive>:\Users\<username>\.keystore
# WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD - The WebSocket SSL keystore file password. This is the password you used when
# generating your key for example using the key tool described above.
# WEBSOCKET_WRITEBUFFER_LIMITED - true by default. true will enable specification of write buffer memory limits to
# limit the amount of memory used per channel. This is useful to ensure slow clients
# don't exhaust server memory in a high throughput environment. false means there is
# no memory limit and no safe guard against using all available memory resources.
# WEBSOCKET_WRITEBUFFER_HIGH_MARK - The high water mark of the write buffer. If the number of bytes queued in
# the write buffer exceeds this value the channel will no longer be writable.
# This means messages will not be written to this channel and gone forever.
# WEBSOCKET_WRITEBUFFER_LOW_MARK - The low water mark of the write buffer. Once the number of bytes queued in
# the write buffer exceeded the high water mark and then dropped down below this value
# the channel will be writable again.
# WEBSOCKET_LOG_VERBOSE - This is false by default. true will log every send message, otherwise false will
# disable logging every send message. This should only be used for debug purposes
# since logging every message could impact system performance in a high message
# volume environment.
# WEBSOCKET_LOG_DISCARD_ENABLED - This is true by default. true will log out channel information of clients that have
# had messages dropped due to exceeding WEBSOCKET_WRITEBUFFER_HIGH_MARK memory limits,
# otherwise false.
# WEBSOCKET_LOG_DISCARD_RESET_LIMIT - On a high message volume environment this specifies the number of messages that have
# discarded to ignore before further logging. Once a client channel exceeds the
# WEBSOCKET_WRITEBUFFER_HIGH_MARK setting all messages will be discarded so this setting
# will reduce the verbosity of the logs generated. Note: The Server will always log the
# first time a message is discarded and not sent to a client when
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS START **************
FME_INCLUDE_FILE={{getv "/installdir"}}/Server/fmeCommonConfig.txt
# Port and Host Assignments
WEBSOCKET_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/websocketrequestport" "7078"}}
# Log File
LOG_CONFIG_PATH={{getv "/installdir"}}/Utilities/config
WEBSOCKET_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmewebsocket.log
# WebSocket Server Settings
# SSL Security Settings
#The following are required if WebSocket SSL is enabled:
# Channel Memory Settings
#Channel write buffer settings:
# Log Message Settings
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS END **************