FME Flow: 2025.0


# FME Server Config File Parameters.
# The FME Server program is started from the command line and takes one argument.
# This argument is the pathname of the configuration parameter file.
# Configuration parameters are used to set various operating characteristics
# of the FME Server. Values for these parameters are read in from this file
# when the FME Server is started. This configuration parameter file is an
# ASCII text file containing one parameter assignment on each line. Each
# assignment consists of a parameter name followed by an equal-sign followed
# by the parameter's value.
# For example, the line:
# assigns the "REQUEST_PORT" parameter a value of "7071".
# The FME Server is case-sensitive to parameter names. Blank lines and lines
# beginning with the "#" character are treated as comments and are ignored.
# Changes to any parameter value in this file will take effect only upon
# subsequent restart of the FME Server.
# The following parameters must be present in the config file and named exactly
# as shown:
# Port and Host Assignments
# SERVICE_REGISTRATION_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for FME Engines
# requesting to be registered as being available.
# REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for FME Server
# requests from clients using the FME Server API.
# NOTIFIER_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for notification requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# NOTIFIER_REGISTRATION_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for subscriber
# registration requests using the FME Server API.
# SCHEDULER_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for scheduler requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# RELAYER_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for protocol relay requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# RELAYER_REGISTRATION_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for relayer
# registration requests using the FME Server API.
# CONFIGURATION_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for configuration requests
# from clients using the FME Server API.
# CLEANUP_REQUEST_PORT - The integer port number on which to listen for cleanup
# requests using the FME Server API.
# FME_SERVER_PORT_POOL - Range of ports which can be assigned to FME Engines, Subscribers and Protocols
# when connecting to the FME Server. Each connection uses a single port available
# from the pool. Once all ports have been allocated, no more FME Engine
# instances may connect to this Transformation/Repository Manager.
# Using '0' means that any port may be used and there is no limit on the
# number of connections. If '0' is used in combination with a range of
# port numbers then it will override that range and make any port available.
# Port pools may be specified as a comma-seperated list of port numbers and
# port number ranges. For example, the port pool specified as:
# 1234, 4567-4570, 7890
# will make all of the following ports available in the pool:
# 1234, 4567, 4568, 4569, 4570, 7890
# FME_SERVER_HOST_NAME - The host name of the FME Server.
# FME_SERVER_WEB_URL - The web url of the FME Server.
# Transformation Management
# ENABLE_PUBLISHED_PARAMETER_ENCRYPTION - boolean flag indicating whether or not published parameters with names
# containing "PASSWORD" are encrypted. For systems with FME engines older
# than version 2015, this should be set to false, or the engines will not
# decrypt the password correctly
# ENABLE_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE_TRANSACTIONHOST - boolean flag indicating whether or not FME Server will return "transaction-host"
# for an FME Engine registration. By default, the transaction host is the same as
# what was used by FME Engine to connect to FME Server during registration.
# Returning "transaction-host" overrides this behaviour and specifies the FME Server host
# that FME Engine will communicate with for all job transactions. This is typically enabled
# when FME Server is deployed with multiple FME Engine Managers, and FME Engine registers
# to FME Engine Manager via a load balancer.
# REMOVE_ENGINETAGS_ONDISCONNECT - true to automatically remove engines and associated tags when FME Engine disconnects, otherwise false.
# This is used typically with FME_ENV_ENGINE_QUEUES environment variable to manage short lived FME Engine
# hosts.
# ENGINE_RESULTS_PATH - The path where engines writes result file(s).
# Limits
# MAX_TRANSACTION_RESULT_SUCCESSES - Maximum number of successful result transactions
# to accept from the service before shutting down or
# restarting the service.
# MAX_TRANSACTION_RESULT_FAILURES - Maximum number of failed result transactions
# to accept from the service before shutting down or
# restarting the service.
# MAX_REGISTRATION_READ_ATTEMPTS - Maximum number of attempts to retry reading FME Engine registration messages. The default is 3000.
# REGISTRATION_READ_RETRY_WAIT - Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before attempting to retry reading FME Engine
# registration attempts. The default is 10 ms.
# MAINTENANCE_IDLE_WAIT - Amount of time in seconds to wait before attempting to perform maintenance operations. Currently
# Engines that have already processed jobs and that are idle for the specified time will undergo
# maintenance which includes recycling connections and memory used by Engine. The default is 90 seconds.
# A value of 0 or less will disable maintenance.
# TRANSACTION_DB_RETRY_WAIT - Amount of time in seconds to wait before attempting to retry persisting job
# DB transaction information. The default is 20 seconds. A value less than or equal to zero
# disables retrying to establish DB connections.
# MAX_NUMJOBS_RESTORE - Maximum number of jobs to restore to the Job Queue when FME Server is restarted. All jobs over this limit will be cancelled.
# Having an unusually large number of jobs in the queue when FME Server is restarted is likely a symptom of a system error or
# not enough Engines to handle the current load. This limit allows FME Server to resume job processing quicker.
# Communication
# ARE_YOU_THERE_MSG - The text string to send to a service to confirm that it is of the
# desired type before proceeding to use it. For FME engines, this value
# must be "FME_AreYouThere".
# SUCCESSFUL_RESULT_PREFIX - The substring present at the start of the result string
# returned by a service to indicate a successful result. For FME
# services, this value must be "0:" (a zero followed by a colon).
# CONNECTIONPOOL_EXPIRY - The length of time in seconds in which an FME Server connection remains idle
# before expiring from the connection pool.
# If a value of less than or equal to zero is specified, then there is no
# connection pooling.
# SOCKET_KEEPALIVE - If true the transaction socket channel will be kept alive at TCP level, otherwise false.
# SOCKET_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT - Time in milliseconds to wait for TCP file transfer handshake timeout. Wait forever if less than one.
# Licensing
# LICENSING_PATH - The path containing license files.
# Schedule Management
# SCHEDULER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE - The number of threads that are available for concurrent execution of schedule jobs.
# SCHEDULER_DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS - The maximum number of database connections from the scheduler.
# This configuration should be greater than the SCHEDULER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE configuration.
# SCHEDULER_IDLE_WAIT_TIME - The amount of time in milliseconds that the scheduler will wait before re-queries for available
# triggers when the scheduler is otherwise idle. Do not set this value lower than 5000ms.
# Repository Management
# REPOSITORY_HOME - The root path under which the repository resides.
# Notification Management
# NOTIFIER_MAX_PENDING_NOTIFICATIONS - The max number of notifications allowed to be queued. Once the max number
# has been reached the oldest notification will be discarded.
# NOTIFIER_MAX_NOTIFICATION_RESULT_SUCCESSES - The max number of successful notifications. Once the max number
# has been reached the subscriber will be restarted.
# If a value of less than or equal to zero is specified, then there is no
# restarting of the subscriber.
# NOTIFIER_MAX_NOTIFICATION_RESULT_FAILURES - The max number of failed notifications. Once the max number
# has been reached the subscriber will be restarted.
# If a value of less than or equal to zero is specified, then there is no
# restarting of the subscriber.
# NOTIFIER_MAX_SUBSCRIBER_ACCEPT_ATTEMPTS - The max number of accept attempts. Each accept attempt is 10 ms so the default is
# for the notifier to wait 5 mins for a Subscriber to complete connecting after a
# successful registration.
# Relay Management
# RELAYER_MAX_PUBLISHER_ACCEPT_ATTEMPTS - The max number of accept attempts. Each accept attempt is 10 ms so the default is
# for the relayer to wait 5 mins for a publisher to complete connecting after a
# successful registration.
# Configuration Management
# CONFIGURATION_MIGRATION_SUCCESS_TOPIC - Topic to notify when an asynchronous migration job
# finishes successfully
# CONFIGURATION_MIGRATION_FAILURE_TOPIC - Topic to notify when an asynchronous migration job
# fails
# CONFIGURATION_PASSWORDCHANGE_FIRSTLOGIN - Default is true. Set true to force change of password on initial login
# after installation, otherwise false. This must be set before FME Server
# starts up for the first time.
# CONFIGURATION_BROADCASTCHECK_ENABLED - Default is true. Set true to enable broadcast message checking, otherwise false.
# Log Management
# LOGS_HOME - The root path under which log files resides.
# Log File
# LOG_CONFIG_PATH - The folder path that contains the log file configuration which by
# default is
# Note: For process specific log config paths just use the process prefix.
# ie. SERVER_LOG_CONFIG_PATH=<logconfigpath>
# SERVER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the main server process.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the shared resource process.
# SCHEDULER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the scheduler process.
# RELAYER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the relayer process.
# NOTIFIER_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the notifier process.
# CONFIGURATION_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the configuration process.
# CLEANUP_LOG_FILE_NAME - The path name of the log file for the cleanup process.
# MIGRATION_TASK_LOG_FILE_NAME_PREFIX - The path name prefix of the migration task log files. The
# task ID and ".log" suffix will be added to the file name.
# For example, a configuration of
# would produce log file tasks/task_1.log for task ID 1.
# System Notifications
# These are optional notifications that are generated by FME Server. The general configuration
# format is NOTIFY_<keyword>=<topic_name>.
# NOTIFY_JOB_SUCCESS - This will generate a notification to the specified topic on all successful jobs.
# NOTIFY_JOB_FAILURE - This will generate a notification to the specified topic on all failed jobs.
# Shared Resource Management
# Common parameters
# SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE - The shared resource type which can be FILE (local file) or NETWORK (UNC access).
# SHAREDRESOURCE_NAME - The shared resource name. This must be unique.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DISPLAYNAME - The shared resource display name.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION - The shared resource description.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_ISMIGRATABLE - true if the shared resource is migratable, otherwise false. By default
# all shared resource are not migratable unless specified as true.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_ROLES - (Optional) Defines the default security for newly configured shared resources. If not specified, all available
# roles are granted access. If specified, specific <defaultRoleName> will be assigned to the
# shared resource. Note: This will not override any existing shared resource security permissions as it
# assumes this is for new shared resource definitions.
# SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER - (Optional) Defines the default security owner for newly configured shared resources. If not specified, there is no owner.
# FILE/NETWORK type parameters
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR - The local file or UNC directory.
# ie. C:/localdata/
# ie. //servername/Data/
# Examples
# SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_1=This shared resource is the engine directory
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS START **************
FME_INCLUDE_FILE={{getv "/installdir"}}/Server/fmeCommonConfig.txt
# Port and Host Assignments
SERVICE_REGISTRATION_PORT={{getv "/serviceregistrationport" "7070"}}
REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/fmeflowrequestport" "7071"}}
NOTIFIER_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/notifierrequestport" "7072"}}
NOTIFIER_REGISTRATION_PORT={{getv "/notifierregistrationport" "7074"}}
SCHEDULER_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/schedulerport" "7073"}}
RELAYER_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/relayerrequestport" "7075"}}
RELAYER_REGISTRATION_PORT={{getv "/relayerregistrationport" "7076"}}
CONFIGURATION_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/fmeconfigrequestport" "7077"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/mountpointrequestport" "7079"}}
CLEANUP_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/fmecleanuprequestport" "7081"}}
CONNECTION_REQUEST_PORT={{getv "/connectionrequestport" "7069"}}
FME_SERVER_HOST_NAME={{getv "/corehostname" "localhost"}}
FME_SERVER_WEB_URL={{getv "/webprotocol" "http"}}://{{getv "/externalhostname"}}:{{getv "/externalport"}}
# Transformation Management
ENABLE_REGISTRATION_RESPONSE_TRANSACTIONHOST={{getv "/enableregistrationresponsetransactionhost" "false"}}
REMOVE_ENGINETAGS_ONDISCONNECT={{getv "/removeenginetagsondisconnect" "false"}}
ENGINE_RESULTS_PATH={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/system/temp/engineresults
# Limits
# Communication
# Licensing
LICENSING_PATH={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/licenses
# Schedule Management
SCHEDULER_IDLE_WAIT_TIME={{getv "/scheduleridlewaittime" "5000"}}
# Repository Management
REPOSITORY_HOME={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/repositories
# Notification Management
# Relay Management
# Configuration Management
CONFIGURATION_INSTALLER_PATH={{getv "/installdir"}}/Server/config/installer.json
CONFIGURATION_PASSWORDCHANGE_FIRSTLOGIN={{getv "/firstloginchangepassword" "true"}}
# Shared Resource Management
SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE_1={{getv "/systemsharetype" "FILE"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_1=This shared resource is the logs directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_1={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/logs/
SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER_1={{getv "/adminusername" "admin"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE_2={{getv "/systemsharetype" "FILE"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_2=This shared resource is the data directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_2={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/data/
SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER_2={{getv "/adminusername" "admin"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE_3={{getv "/systemsharetype" "FILE"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_3=This shared resource is the temp directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_3={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/temp/
SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER_3={{getv "/adminusername" "admin"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE_4={{getv "/systemsharetype" "FILE"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_4=This shared resource is the backup directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_4={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/backups/
SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER_4={{getv "/adminusername" "admin"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE_5={{getv "/systemsharetype" "FILE"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_5=This shared resource is the engine directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_5={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/engine/
SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER_5={{getv "/adminusername" "admin"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE_6={{getv "/systemsharetype" "FILE"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_6=This shared resource is the system directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_6={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/system/
SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER_6={{getv "/adminusername" "admin"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_TYPE_7={{getv "/systemsharetype" "FILE"}}
SHAREDRESOURCE_DESCRIPTION_7=This shared resource is the dashboards directory
SHAREDRESOURCE_DIR_7={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/dashboards/
SHAREDRESOURCE_SECURITY_DEFAULT_OWNER_7={{getv "/adminusername" "admin"}}
# Log Management
LOGS_HOME={{getv "/repositoryserverrootdir"}}/resources/logs
# Log Files
LOG_CONFIG_PATH={{getv "/installdir"}}/Server/config/logger/core
CLEANUP_LOG_CONFIG_PATH={{getv "/installdir"}}/Utilities/config
SERVER_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmeserver.log
SHAREDRESOURCE_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmesharedresource.log
SCHEDULER_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmescheduler.log
RELAYER_LOG_FILE_NAME=publishers/{{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmepublishers.log
NOTIFIER_LOG_FILE_NAME=subscribers/{{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmesubscribers.log
AUTOMATIONSLOGGER_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmelogaction.log
CONFIGURATION_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmeconfiguration.log
CLEANUP_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmecleanup.log
CONNECTION_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmeconnection.log
DIRECTORYSERVER_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmedirectoryserver.log
AUTOMATIONS_SERVER_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}fmeautomations.log
AUTOMATIONS_SCHEDULER_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}trigger_fmescheduler.log
AUTOMATIONS_NOTIFIER_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}action_fmesubscribers.log
AUTOMATIONS_LOGACTION_LOG_FILE_NAME={{getv "/logprefix" ""}}action_fmelogaction.log
# System Notifications
{{if eq (getv "/remoteengine") "true" }}REMOTE_ENGINE_MODE=true{{end}}
# ************** FME SERVER SETTINGS END **************