FME Flow: 2025.0


To uninstall FME Flow, complete the following steps:

  1. Back Up Configuration
  2. Stop the FME Flow System Services
  3. Drop the FME Flow Database (if required)
  4. Uninstall FME Flow

Stop the FME Flow System Services

Note  Before proceeding, be sure to note your product's serial number. It may be required when you restore the configuration to the upgraded FME Flow. You can find the serial number on the Licensing page.

For the uninstall process to complete properly, you must first stop the FME Flow System Services, as well as any third-party web application and database services. For more information, see Starting and Stopping FME Flow Manually.

If you have FME Flow components installed on multiple machines, you must stop the services on all applicable machines. For example, if you have installed multiple FME Flows for fault tolerance, you must stop all services on their respective machines. Likewise, if you have FME Engines installed on multiple machines, you must stop the FME Flow Engines service on all applicable machines.

To stop the web application server and database services depends on which ones you installed. If you installed FME Flow using the Express option, you can use the instructions at Starting and Stopping FME Flow Manually to stop these services as well. If you installed FME Flow using a Distributed Installation, then you are using your own database server, and you may have opted to use your own web application server. To stop these services, refer to your product-specific documentation.

Drop the FME Flow Database

If your installation of FME Flow is a Fault-Tolerant installation, or a Distributed Installation in which the FME Flow Database is configured on your own database server, you must drop the FME Flow Database. Use one of the following sets of SQL scripts, depending on the server you are using to run the database:

Note  It is only necessary to drop the FME Flow database. It is not necessary to uninstall the database server.

Uninstall FME Flow

  • On Windows, uninstall FME Flow through the Control Panel.
  • On Linux, run the script located in the FME Flow installation directory. Execute this script as root to ensure everything gets uninstalled properly.

If you have FME Flow components installed on multiple machines, you must uninstall the components on all applicable machines. For example, if you have installed multiple FME Flows for fault tolerance, you must uninstall FME Flow from all machines. Likewise, if you have FME Engines installed on multiple machines, you must uninstall the FME Flow Engines from all applicable machines.

If you installed FME Flow by distributing components and opted to use your own web application server, it is not necessary to uninstall it. Instead, delete all folders and .war files from the web application installation directory that begin with "fme" (that is, are named like fme*).

Finally, if you installed FME Flow using any Distributed/Fault Tolerant Installation, you must remove the FME Flow System Share, assuming you have already performed a backup of FME Flow, or upgraded FME Flow to a second machine.

Note   On Linux, uninstalling removes the configuration of the following components, but does not uninstall them. They are reconfigured when FME Flow is reinstalled. If you want to use the more current version of these components, remove them completely from the system before re-installing:
  • The PostgreSQL FME Flow Database, if applicable.
  • The NGINX reverse proxy. If this component remains installed, it may prompt to use port 81 instead of 80 on reinstall, but you can still select port 80 or another port.