FME Flow: 2025.0
Performing Scheduled Backups of an FME Flow Configuration
FME Flow provides a workspace that you can configure to perform regular (scheduled) backups of your Server configuration to an FME Flow configuration (.fsconfig) file.
Note For information about the contents of a backup, see Backup & Restore.
To Configure a Scheduled Backup
- Log in to the FME Flow Web User Interface.
- Select Schedules.
- Click the Backup_Configuration entry.
- On the Editing Schedule page, check the Enabled box.
- Edit other parameters as necessary. See Adding a Scheduled Task for more information.
- Append Date: If Yes, the date and time of the backup is appended to the filename.
- Server Username: The user performing the backup. The user must belong to the the fmesuperuser role.
- Server Password: Password of the user.
- Backup Destination: The file to store the backup. You can specify a Resources location, or another location that is accessible by the engine running the workspace. It can refer to a UNC path.
- Click OK.
The following published parameters are specific to the Backup_Configuration schedule: