FME Flow: 2024.2
Select User Management > Roles.
A role is a group of one or more Users.
For more information about users and roles in FME Flow, see Role-Based and User-Based Access Control.
The default columns displayed in the Roles table are:
- Name - Name of the role.
- Users - User accounts assigned to the role.
FME Flow provides a set of default roles:

Role | Description | User |
fmeadmin |
Provides full access to FME Flow, including the Web User Interface. |
admin |
fmeauthor |
Provides workspace authors access to FME Flow to publish, author, and test new workspaces. |
author |
fmeguest |
Provides the minimal access to FME Flow required to run workspaces. |
guest |
fmesuperuser | Authorized to access all resources of FME Flow, including existing and newly-created resources. | admin |
fmeuser | Provides users access to the Web User Interface and Web Services. | user |
Adding and Removing Roles
To add a role, click New. Alternatively, select an existing role and click Duplicate. A dialog displays to add a new role. This dialog is similar to Configuring an Existing Role, below.
To remove a role, select it and click Remove.
Configuring an Existing Role
To configure an existing user role, click an entry in the Roles table. The Edit Role page opens. Configure the following settings, and click OK to save your changes.
Associated Users
To assign users to the role, click inside the field and select a user in the drop-down. To remove users from the role, click the "x" beside the user name.
You can give a role access to different functions in FME Flow. Check the box beside a function to grant access.
Optionally, you can add permissions to match those from an existing role. Click Load Template. On the Load Template from Role dialog, select the role from which to load permissions, and click OK. This option adds any additional permissions that are not already granted. No permissions are removed. You can click Load Template multiple times to add permissions from more roles.
There are two levels of permissions:
- General: Allows users of the role to view the corresponding navigation link in the Web User Interface, along with select management functions, depending on the category. For example, if Access is checked beside Repositories, users can access the Repositories page. Additionally, if Create is checked, users can create repositories on the Repositories page.
- Item: Allows users of the role specific permissions on items within functional categories. To view items, click the drop-down icon of a category (v). For example, when you expand the Repositories category, you see the individual repositories on your FME Flow, along with the permissions that can be granted for each one.
The following is a detailed explanation of general- and item-level (where applicable) permissions for each category:

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access Analytics. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Automations page, and list workflows and tags. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create automations. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Automations:
- Read: View a workflow and its log file.
- Write: Edit or remove a workflow.
- Run: Start and stop a workflow.
- Apps: Run a workflow through an automation app.
- Webhooks: Access a URL generated by a Webhook trigger that requires authentication.
Note Automations requires additional permissions. You are prompted to grant any additional permissions that are required.

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Access and manage Broadcast Messages. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Database Connections and Web Connections pages. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create connections. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Manage | Access, create, and remove connections. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Connections:
- Access: Manage web services.

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Dashboards page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Configure Data Collection. | fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Deployment Parameter Store. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create deployment parameters. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual deployment parameters:
- Read: Access a deployment parameter.
- Write: Edit a deployment parameter.
- Remove: Remove a deployment parameter.

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Automation Apps page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create automation apps. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Automation Apps:
- Run: Run an automation app.
- Read: Access an automation app.
- Write: Edit or remove an automation app.

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Gallery Apps page | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create gallery apps. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Gallery Apps:
- Run: Open links in a gallery app.
- Read: Access a gallery app.
- Write: Edit or remove a gallery app.

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Workspace Apps page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create workspace apps. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Workspace Apps:
- Run: Run a workspace app.
- Read: Access a workspace app.
- Write: Edit or remove a workspace app.

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Jobs page to view the jobs you have run, or cancel any of your jobs that are currently running or in queue. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmeguest, fmesuperuser, fmeuser |
Manage | Access and manage the jobs of all users. You can:
fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Licensing, Engines, and Deployment Status (Deprecated). | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Access Network & Email configurations, except Services. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Add FME packages to Projects. | |
Upload | Publish FME packages from FME Form to FME Flow and remove existing packages. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Projects page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create projects. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Projects:
- Read: View information about a project.
- Write: Edit a project.
- Delete: Delete a project, or delete items from a project.

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Publications page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create Notification Service Publications. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Publications:
- Read: View information about a publication.
- Write: Edit a publication.
- Remove: Delete a publication.

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Access to Queue Control, except engine assignment rules (also requires Manage permission in Licensing & Engines). | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Workspaces page. Note Access permission is not required to run a workspace. Only Run permission on the applicable repository is required (see below). |
fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create repositories. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Repositories:
- Download: Download workspaces and other repository items from FME Flow into FME Workbench.
- Read: View repository information.
- Publish: Publish workspaces and other items to the repository from FME Workbench.
- Run: Run repository workspaces from FME Flow.
- Remove: Remove a repository, or remove items from a repository.

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Resources page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create connections to network resources. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |
- Access: Access the Resources page.
- Create: Create connections to network resources.
- Access: Read and download a file.
- List: List the folders and files of a resource.
- Write: Write to files.
- Upload: Upload files.
- Remove: Delete files.
Individual Resource connections (top-level folders):

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Run Workspace page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmeguest, fmesuperuser, fmeuser |
Advanced | Access Job Directives when running workspaces. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Schedules page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create schedules. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Schedules:
- Full Access: Edit or delete a schedule.

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Access to Security configurations. | fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Configure the FME Flow services. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |
Individual Services:
- Full Access: Manage FME Flow services.

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Streams page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create streams. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Streams:
- Read: View a stream.
- Write: Edit or remove a stream.

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Subscriptions page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create Notification Service Subscriptions. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Subscriptions:
- Read: View information about a subscription.
- Write: Edit a subscription.
- Remove: Delete a subscription.

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Configure system cleanup. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Configure System Events. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

General Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Access the Topics page. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Create | Create topics. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Individual Topics:
- Read: View information about a topic.
- Write: Edit a topic.
- Publish: Publish notifications to a topic.
- Remove: Delete a topic.

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Manage | Configure users and roles. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |

Permission | Description | Roles Granted This Permission, by Default |
Access | Commit versions and view repository history. | fmeadmin, fmeauthor, fmesuperuser |
Manage | Enable version control and configure with a remote Git repository. | fmeadmin, fmesuperuser |