FME Form: 2024.1

Welcome to the FME Quick Translator

Designed for quick translation, the FME Quick Translator makes it easy for you to perform fast, easy conversions between hundreds of formats.

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FME Form Help Map

Product documentation is accessed from any FME component Help menu.

By default, documentation is live (online); however, you can also choose to use installed (offline) documentation. From the menu, select FME Options > Default Paths > Documentation Help Locations.

FME Form documentation includes:

Documentation Description
FME Workbench This is the primary FME Form application for translating and transforming data.
FME Data Inspector View data in any FME-supported format. Use the FME Data Inspector to preview data before translation, verify it after translation, and check data at any point during a translation.
FME Readers and Writers This is a technical reference to the 300+ spatial and non-spatial data formats that FME Workbench is capable of reading and writing. It also includes format parameters that are visible in FME Workbench.
FME Transformers This is a comprehensive reference to the 400+ FME transformers. Transformers are used in FME Workbench to perform geometric and attribute restructuring of features during a translation.
FME Coordinate Systems This is a guide to associating coordinate systems with features in FME Form.
FME Quick Translator Although we highly recommend using FME Workbench for translations, the FME Quick Translator (a lightweight alternative) allows you to perform fast and easy data conversions.
Note  Especially for advanced operations, you may have to look in different help files to get the information you need, or search FME Community for solutions.