FME Options: Web Connections
Select Tools > FME Options > Web Connections.
Many web services require you to connect and authenticate in order to make REST calls to them. For example, when you use an HTTPCaller transformer, you may need to authenticate to a web service, such as Google BigQuery. The Web Connections page allows you to manage web connections and their associated web services.
Managing Web Services
FME Form must be registered to use the web services to which you want to connect. For testing purposes, many of the most common services that authenticate using the OAuth standard are already registered in FME. For production applications, we recommend that you add your own web services.
Viewing, Adding, and Removing Web Services
To view the web services that are available in FME, click Manage Services. The Manage Web Services dialog opens, listing the available services.
To add a service, on the Manage Web Services dialog, click the Add Web Service button . In the dropbox, specify the authorization protocol the service uses:
- OAuth 2.0 Service: The web service uses the OAuth 2.0 standard to exchange authorization code for an access token.
- Token Service: The web service uses the OAuth 2.0 standard to exchange application credentials for an access token.
- HTTP Authentication Service: The web service uses an HTTP authentication method to grant access.
Alternatively, to use an existing service as a template, select Create From.
The newly added web service opens. In the list of services, enter a name for the service. Add the service parameters, and click Save.

To remove a service, on the Manage Web Services dialog, select the service you want to remove and click the Remove button .
Uploading Web Services to FME Flow and Updating Existing Web Services
When you upload a workspace to FME Flow, and the workspace contains a web connection, you can choose to upload the connection with the workspace. Doing so also uploads the associated web service. However, you can also upload web services directly from Web Connections, or update a web service that was previously uploaded.
- Click Manage Services.
- On the Manage Web Services dialog, select the service you want to upload, and click Upload. (You may need to scroll to the bottom of the web service form to see the Upload button.)
- On the Upload to FME Flow dialog, specify a connection to FME Flow, or, to create one and use it right away, select Add Web Connection. (For information about adding a web connection, see Using Web Connections.)
- Depending on the protocol of the web service (for example, OAuth 2.0), specify the credentials that you generated when you added the web service, or specify alternative credentials.
- Click OK.
- (Update only) If the web service is already uploaded to FME Flow, the Web Service Exists dialog opens. Click Yes to confirm the update, or No to cancel.
For information about working with web services and web connections in FME Flow, see Web Connections in the FME Flow Web User Interface help.
Managing Web Connections
Use the Web Services Connections window to manage web connections.
To add a web connection
It is usually more convenient to add a web connection at the time you want to use one in a workspace. However, you can also add a web connection directly in FME Options, and use it later in a workspace.
- Click the Add button
- On the Add Web Connection dialog, specify a Web Service.
- Specify a Connection Name.
Visibility: This field applies only if Database Accessibiity, as specified in Tools > FME Options > Default Paths, is Shared. Specify whether the connection is available only to yourself, or to any user of the database (Shared). For more information, click Help from the Default Paths window under Tools > FME Options.
- Specify the Connection Parameters
- Click OK.
To upload a web connection to FME Flow
You can upload a web connection to FME Flow directly from the Web Connections page. Doing so also uploads a reference to the associated web service, and populates it with the credentials from the web connection. Right-click on the connection you want to upload and select Upload. The FME Flow Connection widget opens. For more information, see Connecting to FME Flow.
To edit a web connection
You can edit the connection parameters of an existing web connection. After you edit, all workspaces that use the web connection will use the new parameters to connect.
- Double-click the connection you want to edit.
To remove a web connection
- Select the connection and click the Remove button
To change the storage location of the connections file
You can change the location where the connection configuration file is stored. This change is made in the Tools > FME Options > Default Paths tool.