QVX (QlikView Data Exchange) Writer

The QVX writer allows FME to write to the QVD (QlikView Data Exchange) format.


QVX is a file/stream format for high-performance data input into QlikView. A QVX format file contains an XML-formatted table header that describes the table of data and the actual data. Spatial data in QVX is written in a similar fashion to GeoJSON (Geographic JavaScript Object Notation) spatial data. More specifically, GeoJSON and QVX both represent geometry constructs as a position. Please read section 3.1.1 in the GeoJSON document for more details.

The section below gives an overview of QVX syntax. For detailed information about the QVX format, click here.

Overview of QVX Syntax

QVX-formatted files describes a single table with a XML-formatted table header that describes the fields in the table, the layout of the subsequent data together with some metadata information. This is followed by a null byte which separates the table header and the actual data.

Writer Overview

The QVX writer outputs features data to a QVX file in the folder specified by the Dataset parameter. The QVX file name is copied from the name of the corresponding writer. Any old files with the same name as the writer in the folder are overwritten by the new QVX file.

Writer Geometry

Geometry Name

If a geometry field name is specified by the user and the geometry attribute type is selected, the writer will search the geometry collection or geometry to match the given name and write that geometry.

If the name was not found, a null representation for the geometry is written. If the geometry field name is not specified, geometries in the feature will be written to a new field called FME_Geometry in the QVX file.

Geometry Type

QVX natively supports the following geometry types:

  • point
  • multi-point
  • line
  • multi-line
  • polygon
  • multipolygon
  • multipolygon with holes

Because QVX only supports linear geometry, arcs will be stroked to lines, and ellipses will be stroked to polygons. Paths are simplified to a single line, and FME feature with text geometry only has its location written (the text value is ignored).

Writer Coordinate System

The coordinate system for all geometries are reprojected to LL-84 by default.