FME Form Documentation
(formerly FME Desktop)
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We have updated the names and logos of our core products to better represent what they do individually and how they work together as a platform. For details, please see:
Safe Software: New Era, New Look.FME Workbench Basics
Learn the fundamentals of workspaces.
FME Workbench Interface
Look up FME Workbench user interface elements.
Reading and Writing Data
How to work with Readers and Writers.
Transforming Data
How to work with Transformers to manipulate data.
Coordinate Systems
Learn how FME supports geographic data transformations.
FME Data Inspector
View and save your data before and after a translation.
FME Quick Translator
A lightweight alternative to FME Workbench for fast, easy data conversions.
FME's Geometry Hierarchy