Esri ArcGIS Server Feature Service Reader/Writer

FME can read and write features on ArcGIS Feature Services hosted by either a standalone ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Enterprise, or on Esri’s ArcGIS Online cloud service.

FME also has two additional plug-ins:

Esri ArcGIS Server Feature Service Product and System Requirements



Operating System


FME Form

FME Flow

FME Flow Hosted

Windows 64-bit











The Esri ArcGIS Server Feature Service format supports anonymous access, authentication with a provided token, HTTP authentication, and Integrated Windows Authentication.

In FME, a Feature Service is a required format parameter, and a layer or table within a Feature Service is a feature type.

Each layer contains features of a single geometry type. Tables are effectively layers that have no geometry.

For layers with attachment support, the reader can also download the attachments associated with each feature.

Reader Overview

The ArcGIS Server Feature Service Reader reads features from the layers in a Feature Service. ArcGIS Online returns features in JSON format, which is converted into an FME feature.

Each layer contains features of a single geometry type.

Writer Overview

The ArcGIS Server Feature Service Writer uses the ArcGIS REST API to create Feature Services and write features.

Note  When writing to a Feature Service, it is strongly recommended that you select Writers > Import Feature Types from the workspace in order to obtain the schema for all layers in the Feature Service.

Insert, Update, Upsert, and Delete operations are all combined into a single request per feature type, issued in batches of requests based on a configurable number of features. If the operation for any single feature fails within a batch, then all other write operations in that batch are automatically rolled back by the server, and the translation aborts. If the server returns an error for any write operation, the writer will pass the error messages to the log.

Although the reader can read attachments, the writer currently cannot write them. Format attributes related to attachments are ignored.

Duplicate Layer Names

Duplicate layer names are allowed within a Feature Service.

The reader resolves ambiguity by appending the layer ID to the end of feature types if multiple layers share the same name. If a layer ID is present in the feature type, the ID takes precedence over the name.