Unfolded Data Reader/Writer (FME Form Package)

Integrating this Format with FME Form

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What is FME Hub?


Unfolded is a geospatial analytics platform for working with large geospatial datasets. Unfolded Studio supports analysis and unification across a variety of geospatial data formats, from tables and vector tiles to satellite imagery. Unfolded allows users to load and visualize their datasets as layers on maps.


Using the Unfolded Data Reader/Writer requires an Unfolded Web Connection. For more information, see Unfolded Data: Add Web Connection.

Reader Overview

The Unfolded Data reader supports reading from Unfolded Datasets that were originally imported into Unfolded Studio from CSV, GeoJSON, JSON, or Shapefiles; or datasets created by FME using the Unfolded Data Writer.

Locating the Dataset UUID

Since dataset names are not unique in Unfolded, the dataset ID must be provided. The ID of a Unfolded dataset is a UUID which can be found looking at the final part of a dataset URL in Unfolded Studio.

To locate the dataset URL in Unfolded Studio

Click on the dataset in https://studio.unfolded.ai/home/data/user/datasets.

To locate the dataset UUID


If the dataset URL is:


Then the dataset’s UUID would be:


The Unfolded Data reader can generate FME geometry on output features based on a specified geometry column in the dataset. The corresponding column will still appear as a user attribute in the schema, and the data from which the geometry is being generated will still appear on output features.

Writer Overview

The Unfolded Data writer can be used to create new Unfolded datasets or replace the contents of an existing dataset. Datasets will be created by uploading tabular .json files.

FME geometry on incoming features can be written to a specified field in the dataset. If referring to an existing Unfolded dataset, a feature type name is expected to contain the dataset’s ID in the format: <dataset_name> (<dataset_id>) or <dataset_id>. For example:


If there is no dataset ID in the feature type name, a new dataset will be created and named after the feature type.

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