AutoCAD Entity Types and Descriptions
The AutoCAD reader and writer use symbolic names for the different entity types stored within a drawing file. This simplifies feature type specification.
The following table gives a brief description of each of the different AutoCAD entity types currently supported by the reader and/or writer. The entities are described in detail in the Feature Representation sections.
FME autocad_entity |
Description |
autocad_line |
Linear features stored within drawing file as a line or unclosed polyline. |
autocad_point |
Point features. |
autocad_xline |
Linear features of type xline. |
autocad_ellipse |
Features with an elliptical or circular representation. |
autocad_shape |
Features whose representation is stored in an AutoCAD shape file. |
autocad_polygon |
Features whose geometry is represented by a closed polyline. |
autocad_face |
Features represented by a 3D face object. The face object may have 3 or 4 coordinates. |
autocad_arc |
Features whose geometry represents a portion of a circular arc. |
autocad_trace |
Features with a 4 coordinate trace geometry. |
autocad_solid |
Features with a 3 or 4 coordinate solid geometry. |
autocad_ray |
Features with a linear geometry which represents a ray. |
autocad_text |
Text features. |
autocad_spline |
Spline features. |
autocad_multi_text |
Text features that store multiple lines of text. R14 and later only. |
autocad_multi_line |
A linear feature that is represented by two or more parallel lines. Note: R14 and later only. This is supported only by the Reader. |
autocad_insert |
Point features that represent the location of a block reference entity. |
autocad_leader |
AutoCAD Leader entity representing leader lines in drawings. |
autocad_hatch |
Features with 2D boundary loops which form polygons and donuts, and which may be filled with line patterns or color gradients. |
autocad_mpolygon |
Features with 2D polyline loops which form polygons and donuts and which may be filled with line patterns or color gradients. |
autocad_surface |
Features with connected and unconnected planar and non-planar 3D areas that may represent meshes or the boundary representations of 3D solids. |
autocad_solid3d |
Features with connected and unconnected 3D geometries that may be 3D solids or their closed boundary representations. |
autocad_attr_def | Features without geometry that contain information about AutoCAD attribute definition. Main information on features would be the Tag, Prompt and Default value for that attribute definition. |
autocad_dimension | Features of various dimension types which contain an aggregation of geometries such as text, lines, arcs or points. |
autocad_dimension_def |
Features without geometry that contain information about AutoCAD dimension entities. These represent the original attribution of dimensions which have had their geometry resolved into separate features. |
autocad_multi_leader | AutoCAD Multi-Leader entity representing multiple leader lines in drawings. |
autocad_raster | Rectangular features that contain raster information. |
autocad_xref | Features with point geometry that represent the locations of reference entities which are associated with External References. |
autocad_info | Features without geometry that contain information about certain AutoCAD System Variables stored within the drawing. |
autocad_viewport | Rectangular features that represent a viewport within a paper space. |
autocad_wipeout |
Polygon features that represent a wipeout. |