Automation Apps

Select Flow Apps > Manage Automation Apps.

Automation apps allow authorized FME Flow users to run Automations that originate from a Manual Trigger as "apps" from a web browser. The apps are shared as URLs, and may be presented through customizable web pages.

When you create an automation app to run an automation, FME Flow generates a URL for the automation, along with a security token. The token allows an authorized FME Flow user to run the automation and configure parameters with the URL.

Note  Once created, security tokens can be accessed on the API Tokens tab of the Token Management page.
Tip  You can provide your clients with access to multiple automation apps and other links from a single, customizable web page. For more information, see Gallery Apps.

The Automation Apps tab of the Flow Apps page lists the automation apps that have been created.

By default, all apps are enabled to run when created. Disabled apps do not run, even if their tokens are not expired. To disable or enable an app, select an app, then select Actions > Disable or Enable.

Note  An app may be enabled, but the automation it runs may not be started. In this case, a warning displays, with an option to start the automation. For more information, see To start or stop a workflow. A warning also displays if the automation it runs no longer exists.

From the Actions menu, you can also Remove an app or Change Expiration of an app.

To view and run an app, or copy an app's URL, click the View or URL icon of the corresponding app, respectively.

To edit an automation app, click on it.

To Create an Automation App

  1. Click Create under the Automation Apps tab, or select Flow Apps > Create Automation App. Alternatively, to duplicate an existing automation app and revise, select an app, and select Actions > Duplicate. The Create Automation (or Duplicating) App dialog opens. Complete or update the following:
    • Name: Provide a name for the app. The name appears on the run page for the app. App names are case-insensitive.
    • Description (optional): Provide a description for the app. The description appears on the run page for the app. Use the toolbar widgets to customize the appearance of the description, as desired.
    • Automation: The automation you want the app to run. You can only select an automation that initiates with a manual trigger.
    • Expiration: The expiration date and time of the security token of the app. After the token expires, the app will not run. The default expiration is 10 years from the current date.
    • Allowed Users: Access to the app is restricted to those FME Flow Users who belong to the specified Roles.
  2. Parameters: If the manual trigger of the automation outputs Manual Parameters, configure the default values for each one when the app runs.
  3. To revert to the original default values of the trigger, click Reset.

    • Show in App: If checked, the app allows the user to explicitly specify a value for the parameter, or accept the default value. If unchecked, the app page does not display the parameter, and the app runs according to its default value.
  4. Customize (optional): You can customize various elements of the run page for the app. Alternatively, to specify that the app should run as soon as its URL is invoked, without displaying a run page, enable Run Immediately (at bottom).
  5. Note  Icon, Logo, and Banner fields support only .jpg and .png files.
    • Browser Icon: A clickable icon to reference the app URL.
    • Heading Background Color: A background color to comprise the banner at the top of the app page. Appears behind Heading Banner, if transparent.
    • Heading Logo: Appears over Heading Banner and/or Heading Background Color, centered.
    • Heading Banner: An image to comprise the banner at the top of the app page. If transparent, appears over Heading Background Color.
    • Footer Text: Appears beneath the Links on the app page. Use the toolbar to customize as desired.
    • Footer Logo: Appears beneath Footer Text, and behind Footer Banner, if transparent.
    • Footer Banner: An image to comprise the banner at the bottom of the app page. If transparent, appears over Footer Logo.
  6. Click OK. A message appears to indicate the app is created, along with the app URL. Click the Copy icon to copy the URL. To run the app, click the URL.
  7. The security token that FME Flow generates for the app is configured with the minimal set of permissions to run the specified automation. These permissions are shown under App Security. However, other permissions may still be required, and you may need to further test and adjust the given permissions. To adjust, click Add More Permissions. For more information about permissions in FME Flow, see Role-Based and User-Based Access Control.

  8. Click OK. The Flow Apps page re-opens and lists your new app on the Automations Apps tab.