Back Up Configuration

To back up an FME Server, perform the following:

  1. Back up the FME Server configuration files.
  2. Back up repository file versions, if applicable.
  3. Back up the FME Server configuration .
Note  Before proceeding, be sure to note your product's serial number. It may be required when you restore the configuration to the upgraded FME Server. You can find the serial number on the Licensing page.

Back Up the FME Server Configuration Files

Before proceeding with the primary task of backing up your FME Server configuration, we recommend manually backing up the FME Server Configuration Files to a location outside of your FME Server installation directory, in case you need to refer to them later. These files contain configurations for the FME Server Database and miscellaneous settings for the Transformation and Repository Managers. These configurations are not included in the primary backup procedure. To restore any changes that were made in these files, you must be able to refer to them when the upgrade is complete, so that you can make the corresponding changes in the replacement file.

Warning  Configuration files from a backed-up FME Server are for reference only. Do not copy them to the corresponding directory of a restored FME Server.

Back up Repository Versions

If Version Control is enabled on the current FME Server, and it is not configured with a remote Git repository, previous versions of repository files are not available following an upgrade.

You can view all versions from the Repositories page (History), and download them as desired.

Back up the FME Server Configuration

The FME Server Web User Interface makes it easy to back up your FME Server. For information about what is included in a backup, see What FME Server Components Are Migrated?.

Note  Backing up job history is not supported.

To perform the backup, use the Web User Interface tool.

Note  To restore your configuration after you upgrade FME Server, see Restore Configuration.