OGC GML Reader Parameters

This reader supports GML documents conforming to GML v2.1.2, v3.1.1, v3.2.1, and application schemas.

Shortcuts to Parameter Groups

Application Schema GML SRS/Geometry Parameters
Feature Properties Feature Properties – Attribute Handling
Version and XML Namespace Processing Explore XSD Values
Schema Attributes Use Search Envelope
Advanced Use Network Authentication

Application Schema

Ignore Application Schema

By default, this mode scans for elements looking for GML features (which are usually immediate children of member or featureMember), and then reads any attributes and GML geometries they contain. See GML Feature Elements below to customize which elements to scan for.

When set to Yes, the GML reader attempts to read the GML dataset without an application schema.

Validate GML Dataset File

Determines whether the reader should validate the specified dataset file.

Obtain feature types, fields, and data types from:

Specifies how the reader obtains feature types:

  • XSD Schema: FME reads feature types from the XSD.
  • Dataset Only: FME reads feature types from the dataset.
  • Dataset Only with Attributes Merged from XSD: FME reads feature types from the dataset, and includes any attributes in the XSD that are associated with a particular feature type.

Ignore xsi:schemaLocation in Dataset

This parameter can be used to tell the reader to ignore the schema files that are specified in the xsi:schemaLocation attribute of the root element in the dataset. This is particularly useful if the file locations specified in xsi:schemaLocation are not valid file paths.

GML Feature Elements

This parameter is optional and valid only if Ignore Application Schema is set to Yes.

Valid values are whitespace-separated XML element names.

The parameter is useful in Ignore Application Schema mode if the GML reader fails to read GML features. You can then explicitly list the XML elements that are supposed to be interpreted as GML features.

GML SRS/Geometry Parameters

Feature Properties

Feature Properties – Attribute Handling

(Version and) XML Namespace Processing

Schema Attributes


Use Network Authentication

This parameter is always visible in some formats, and visible in other formats only when the dataset is a URL.