See Also
Configuring the Webhook Schema
For the webhook to receive a JSON-formatted request body, you must configure the message schema to match the expected data, as follows:
- Under the Output Keys tab, click Import Webhook Keys from JSON.
- In the Import Webhook Keys from JSON dialog, enter a valid JSON schema, and click Parse.
Note: The parser only parses top-level keys. To access the contents of nested arrays and objects from a workspace, use JSON manipulation transformers.
The imported keys appear under "Webhook Keys", prefixed with the webhook parent property.
Other Keys
Key |
Description |
time |
Event time |
source |
Event type |
error.type |
(Failure port only) Error type:
- InvalidMessage: An error occurred while configuring this component, such as missing or malformed values.
- DeadLetter: An error occured while connecting to an external resource. Examples may include connection issues, invalid credentials, or generic external resource exceptions.
error.message |
(Failure port only) Error message |
message |
(Success port only) Message content |
Working with non-JSON Data
In addition to JSON-formatted data, webhook triggers can receive text, xml, and other data. The following table explains how non-JSON data is formatted to output keys.
Message Encoding
text/* |
Remains in text to the message key. |
application/xml |
Formatted as text to the message key. |
application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Formatted as text to the message key. |
application/* or other |
Base64 to the message key. |