Esri Shapefile Reader Parameters

When reading shapefile features, the fme_type attribute will correspond to the geometry type specified in the shapefile's feature type parameters. For more information on this attribute, see Esri Shapefile Feature Representation

Reader Parameters

Character Encoding

This parameter controls which character encoding is used to interpret text attributes from the shapefile. This parameter is useful when the character encoding information stored in the shapefile is missing or incorrect.

By default, the character encoding will be automatically detected from the source shapefile (fme-source-encoding).

If you select any other character encoding, it will take precedence over the automatically detected character encoding.

Numeric Attribute Type Handling

Shapefiles store attributes in a text-based manner, so numeric attributes are converted to text before being written to disk. This parameter controls how FME reads these numeric types and influences how they will be written out at the end of a transformation.

This parameter defaults to Standard Types, which will cause the reader to convert the text representation of numeric attributes to a binary one, choosing a size that will safely contain all possible values of the fixed-width field. This can be useful when converting from shapefiles to a format that supports binary storage of numbers.

Selecting this option will cause FME to produce short and long types for numeric attributes with no decimal places, and float or double types for numeric attributes with decimals.

The other option available is Explicit Width and Precision, which will keep the attributes as fixed-length text-based fields. This option is preferred when performing a shapefile-to-shapefile translation, as the field widths will remain the same on write.

Selecting this option will cause FME to produce the same number(width, precision) types as the underlying dBASE file contains, which will ensure that writing to other fixed-width format types will not cause attribute sizes to increase during a translation.

If you are unsure which option to use, Standard Types will work in cases where fixed-length numbers is not a concern.

Schema Attributes

When using a Search Envelope with Shapefile, the .shp being read must have an accompanying .sbn.
