Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

GeoTIFF features specify a matrix of x, y, and z coordinates. For each raster, there will only be a single feature returned.

Attribute Name Contents


This will always be geotiff_raster.


Indicates whether each raster pixel represents an area or point. The value can be Area or Point.


When this is present on a feature, the feature is a subdataset. This attribute shows the name of the subdataset.


When this is present on a feature, the feature is a subdataset. This attribute gives a description of the subdataset.


Represents the name of the document from which this image was scanned.


Represents a string that describes the subject of the image.


Represents a date and time of image creation. When writing, the string must have the following format to be accepted: “YYYYMMDDHHMMSS”, without any separator or delimiter. Hours range from 0 to 23.


Represents the name and version number of the software package(s) used to create the image.


The unit of measurement for geotiff_tifftag_xresolution and geotiff_tifftag_yresolution. The possible values are 1, which means that there is no absolute unit of measurement and is usually used for images, 2, which means inches, and 3, which means centimeters.


Represents the number of pixels per geotiff_tifftag_resolutionunit in the x direction.


Represents the number of pixels per geotiff_tifftag_resolutionunit in the y direction.


Represents the person who created the image. Some older Tiff files used this tag for storing Copyright information.


Represents the copyright notice of the person or organization that claims the copyright to the image. The complete copyright statement should be listed in this field including any dates and statements of claims. For example, “Copyright, John Smith, 19xx. All rights reserved.”


Represents the computer and/or operating system in use at the time of image creation.

geotiff_tifftag_classification Security Classification. This is a private TIFF tag used by the NGA.
geotiff_tifftag_commercialimageid Commercial Image ID. This is a private TIFF tag used by the NGA.
geotiff_tifftag_countrycode Country Code. This is a private TIFF tag used by the NGA.
geotiff_tifftag_productcreationdate Source image creation date. This is a private TIFF tag used by the NGA.
geotiff_tifftag_productcreationtime Source image creation time. This is a private TIFF tag used by the NGA.
geotiff_tifftag_sic Security Indicator Code. This is a private TIFF tag used by the NGA.
geotiff_tifftag_maxsamplevalue The maximum data value used.
geotiff_tifftag_minsamplevalue The minimum data value used.


Enables or disables the generation of an Esri world file along with the output image. The value can be yes or no (case-sensitive). The default is no. This is a writer attribute.


Enables or disables the generation of a TAB file along with the output image. The value can be yes or no. The default value is yes. This is a writer attribute.


Enables or disables the creations of tiled GeoTIFF images. By default, it is disabled (the value no), and stripped GeoTIFF images are created. The value can be yes or no (case-sensitive). This is a writer attribute.


Specifies the number of columns in a tile. This option only applies when creating a tiled file; strips are required to be the full width of the raster. This value is required to be a multiple of 16. If no value is specified, this parameter will be determined from the tile size of the input raster.

This is a writer attribute.


Specifies the number of rows in a tile or strip. If no value is specified, this parameter will be determined from the tile size of the input raster.

Note that other options may impact this value:

  • If creating a tiled file, this must be a multiple of 16.
  • If applying JPEG compression, this must be a multiple of 8.
  • If applying JPEG compression with a photometric interpretation of YCbCr, this must be a multiple of 16.

This is a writer attribute.


The compression used in the file. The available options are:

  • jpeg
  • deflate
  • lzw
  • zstd
  • pack-bits
  • ccitt-rle (CCITT modified Huffman run length encoding)
  • ccitt-fax3 (CCITT Group 3 fax encoding)
  • ccitt-fax4 (CCITT Group 4 fax encoding)
  • none

If not specified, the default value is none.


Sets the quality of the compression if jpeg is the value for geotiff_compression_method. The range of the value is from 0 (best quality) to 100 (worst quality). The default value is 25. This is a writer attribute.


The number of bits per cell in the file, if it is not a power of 2 (i.e. 8, 16, or 32). Valid values are 1 - 32. If the bit depth is a power of 2, this value does not need to be specified.

Note: Previously the string "8-or-above" was equivalent to leaving this value blank.

When this value is specified, the interpretation of the input raster bands must be the minimum power of 2 above the requested bit depth. For example, to write 7-bit data, the interpretation must be one of UINT8, GRAY8, RED8, GREEN8, BLUE8, or ALPHA8. Please see the writer overview above for more details on the use of this parameter when writing.


Allows the writer to produce a file larger than 4GB when the value is set to yes. If the value is set to no or left empty, the BigTIFF support is not enabled.


The organization of the bands in the file. Acceptable values are BIP, which is band interleaved by pixel, and BSQ, which is band sequential. BIP may be less efficient for reading and writing by FME, but is more widely supported by other applications. If not specified, the default interleaving is BSQ.

Note: This option corresponds to the PlanarConfiguration TIFF tag. BIP corresponds to a value of 1 (Chunky), and BSQ corresponds to a value of 2 (Planar).


The byte order of the file. When reading, values will be either MSB or LSB. When writing, valid values are MSB, LSB, and machine (meaning the native byte order of the machine running FME).

The default value when writing is machine.


Specifies whether the writer should calculate the MinSampleValue and MaxSampleValue TIFF tags values from the input raster. Calculating the min/max values may increase translation time. Note that if this is set to Yes, the calculated values will override any explicit values specified for geotiff_tifftag_minsamplevalue and geotiff_tifftag_maxsamplevalue.

This is a writer attribute.


The color space of the image data.

The available options are:

  • Auto: The photometric interpretation will be implicitly determined from the FME interpretation.
  • MinIsBlack: The minimum value of the raster should be displayed as black. This option applies only to numeric rasters.
  • MinIsWhite: The minimum value of the raster should be displayed as white. This option applies only to numeric rasters.
  • YCbCr: The values should be stored using the YCbCr color space. This option is only valid when using JPEG compression.

The number of generated pyramid levels. Note that this does not include the original raster data.



The number of rows and columns in each pyramid level. Note that pyramid level 0 indicates the original raster data, whereas level 1 indicates the first reduced-resolution pyramid level.