IBM DB2/Db2 Warehouse on Cloud Non-Spatial Reader/Writer

FME’s Db2 Non-Spatial reader and writer modules allow FME to access and modify table data stored in IBM’s Db2 databases.

This reader/writer is called DB2Reader/Writer throughout the rest of this chapter.

Note: This documentation also applies to the IBM Db2 Warehouse on Cloud Non-Spatial Reader/Writer. IBM DB2 (previously IBM dashDB) is a fast, fully managed, cloud data warehouse.

Before using this format, please note the following:

  • FME currently supports DB2versions 9.5 to 10.5 (LUW), and version 11 (z/OS). Support has been deprecated for earlier versions, down to and including 7.2. FME has no support for DB2versions below 7.2.
  • DB2readers and writers support only uppercase schema, table, and column names.


The reader can read from, and write to, Db2 databases that may or may not be spatially enabled. FME provides read and write access to databases accessible via ODBC.

Note: See the SQLCreator and the SQLExecutor transformers. These transformers allow arbitrary Structured Query Language (SQL) statements to be executed against any database.

Reader Overview

The reader retrieves table data through feature types. WHERE clauses and joins are supported.

Writer Overview

The writer stores features into a relational database, and supports table creation and truncation.