Creating Workspaces from Templates

The Create Workspace dialog (File > New) contains a list of available templates, either stored locally or downloadable from FME Hub:

  1. This area lists template types and categories.
  2. This area displays the templates that are stored in the selected category on the left.
  3. The tabs contain information associated with the template. See Workspace Properties for a description.
  4. Filter templates by keyword.

Installed Templates

Some templates are included with each FME Desktop installation. These will be shown here, along with any templates that you download and install from FME Hub for use with both FME Desktop and FME Server. Downloadable templates are updated frequently.


These templates are downloadable from FME Hub. FME Hub contains templates and custom transformers that are described as part of solutions in the FME Community, as well as workspace elements created by third parties.

Downloading a Template and Saving a Template as a Workspace

  1. To download a template, select it and click Choose, or double-click the template name.
  2. The Workbench log window shows the status of the download. The log window will look something like this:
Requesting catalog details for selected template...
Retrieved catalog details.
Connecting to FME Hub...
Successfully connected.
Downloading '<template_name>.fmwt.fmwt'...Successfully downloaded file.
Successfully downloaded '<template_name>.fmwt' from FME Server to '<default_location>\FME\FME Hub\Templates\LAS_PDF_3D.fmwt'.
Successfully disconnected.

Note: If you have an open workspace, you will be prompted to save and close the workspace.

  1. When the template opens in Workbench, it will already contain input data and transformers (if applicable), along with explanatory annotations.
  2. Click File > Save to save the template as a workspace on your computer. FME saves the template on your local drive. Additionally, FME creates a folder of the same name, in the same location, that contains any associated input data.