Configuring for HTTPS
Note: The task described here should be undertaken by advanced users only. Before proceeding, consider your options for alternative solutions until you are certain you wish to proceed. For additional resources, consult the FME Community or FME Support.
- Skill Level: Advanced
- Estimated Time Required: 45-60 minutes
- Prerequisites:
- Test jobs and services to ensure FME Server is fully functional. For more information, see:
- Verify the Installation (Windows)
- Verify the Installation (Linux)
Familiarity with the Certificate Authority (CA) instructions from your certificate provider, particularly for generating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- (Recommended) Familiarity with your web application server's SSL configuration and certificates. (Apache Tomcat is the servlet for an Express or Fault-Tolerant installation of FME Server, and as an option with certain Distributed installations.)
- (Recommended) Access to the person who generates your certificates.
- Test jobs and services to ensure FME Server is fully functional. For more information, see:
Note: If using Microsoft IIS Application Request Routing (ARR), refer to this FME Community article.
Configuring for HTTPS
HTTPS ensures that communication between the client and server is encrypted, so that if it is intercepted, a third party cannot easily view or use the information. You can use HTTPS with FME Server to ensure that sensitive login information is not exposed.
The following are two supported methods for securing FME Server with HTTPS. For alternative methods, such as using a self-signed certificate, see Configuring FME Server for HTTPS in the FME Community.
Note: The following instructions provide steps for setting up SSL for Apache Tomcat, which is the application server included with an Express or Fault-Tolerant installation of FME Server, and as an option with certain Distributed installations. Instructions to set up SSL on different web application servers vary.
For more information about configuring Apache Tomcat for HTTPS, or if you are using a different version of Apache Tomcat, see the documention for your version on
Using a CA-issued Certificate
This method requires you to generate a certificate signing request from FME Server, which your IT team can use to create a CA certificate with the .cer or .crt extensions. If the certificate uses the .pfx extension, follow Using a PFX or P12 Certificate (below) instead.

- Create a Keystore Generation Script
- Run the Keystore Generation Script
- Open a command prompt as administrator and navigate to the FME Server installation Java bin directory:
- Execute the command created in step 1.
- Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
- Obtain a Certificate
- Import the Certificate into the Keystore
- Import the root certificate (if you have one):
- Import the intermediate certificate (If you have one):
- Import the certificate:
- Import the Keystore into FME Server's trusted certs
- Back up the Tomcat XML Configuration Files
- Configure server.xml
- Run a text editor as an administrator and open server.xml, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf.
- Locate the SSLEngine setting in the <Listener> element, including className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" and change the "on" value to "off".
- Locate the <Connector> element that contains protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" and replace the entire element with:
- (Optional) To change the port for HTTPS communication, change 443 to the desired port, for both the port and redirectPort directives.
- Save and close the server.xml file.
- Configure web.xml
- Open web.xml, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf.
- Add the following code block to the end of the file, just before the closing </web-app> element:
- Save and close the web.xml file.
- Configure context.xml
- Open context.xml, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf.
- Add the following to the end of the file, just before the closing </context> element:
- Save and close the context.xml file.
- Update the FME Server Web URL to Use HTTPS
- Verify the HTTPS Configuration
- Restart FME Server.
- Open a web browser and navigate to https://localhost/. If you configured Tomcat to use a port other than the standard port 443, also specify the port (https://localhost:<port>).
- You should see the FME Server login page in a secured format.
- Modify Service URLs to Use HTTPS
- In the FME Server Web User Interface, open the Services page.
- Click Change All Hosts and, in the URL Pattern field, change HTTP to HTTPS. (FME Server may have already set this change.) If required, modify the port number—typically SSL is configured on either port 8443 or 443. When finished, click OK.
- Run a sample workspace with the data download and job submitter services to confirm your FME Server is working with HTTPS.
- (Optional) Enable SSL on the WebSocket Server
- Run a text editor as an administrator and open the fmeWebSocketConfig.txt file in your FME Server installation directory (<FMEServerDir>\Server).
- Set
. - Uncomment the WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH directive and set it to reference the keystore file set in server.xml in step 8. For example:
- Uncomment the WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD directive and set it to reference the keystore file password set in server.xml in step 8. For example:
- Specify the same settings for the WEBSOCKET_ENABLE_SSL, WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH, and WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD directives in the following files:
- <FMEServerDir>\Server\config\subscribers\
- <FMEServerDir>\Server\config\publishers\
- In the following files, update the protocol in the
property of the PROPERTY directive from"ws:"
- <FMESharedResourceDir>\localization\publishers\websocket\publisherProperties.xml
- <FMESharedResourceDir>\localization\subscribers\websocket\subscriberProperties.xml
- Run the following .bat files, located in <FMEServerDir>\Clients\utilities:
- addPublishers.bat
- addSubscribers.bat
- Restart FME Server.
- To test that the configuration is complete, run jobs and view Topic Monitoring.
- (Optional) Update the SSO Authentication URL to use HTTPS
- Run a text editor as an administrator and open the fmeserver, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\webapps\fmeserver\WEB-INF\conf\.
- Locate the SINGLE_SIGN_ON_AUTH_URL parameter, and update the host name and port portion of the URL to match the host name through which the FME Server Web User Interface is accessed.
Open a text editor and copy the example script below, replacing the argument values with your own.
Note: The storepass and keypass arguments must be the same and at least 6 characters.
keytool -genkey -noprompt -keyalg RSA -keystore tomcat.keystore -alias <alias> -dname "<dname>" -storepass <storepass> -keypass <keypass> -ext san="<san>" -deststoretype pkcs12

Argument |
Description |
genkey | The keytool program command to generate a new keystore. |
noprompt |
Using this argument in the command removes any interaction with the user. |
keyalg | The algorithm to generate a private/public key pair. |
keystore |
The keystore file name. |
deststoretype | Keystore type, pkcs12 or jks. |
dname | The CN name, Organization Unit, Organization, Location (city), State, and two-letter country code. The distinguished name is a set of values used to create the certificate and should be entered as you would like them to be presented to FME Server users and visitors. |
storepass, keypass | The password of the key and keystore. The value must be a minimum of six characters and must be the same for both arguments. |
ext san | The subject alternative name is a structured way to indicate all of the domain names and IP addresses that are secured by the certificate. |
alias | The name of the key inside the keystore being created. |
keytool -genkey -noprompt -keyalg RSA -keystore tomcat.keystore -alias tomcat -dname ", OU=support, O=SafeSoftware, L=Surrey, S=BC, C=CA" -storepass password1 -keypass password1 -ext san=",dns:fmeserver" -deststoretype pkcs12
cd <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\jre\bin\
Where <FMEServerDir> is the location of the FME Server installation folder.
In the command prompt, remain in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\jre\bin\ and run:
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias <alias> -file <filename> -keystore tomcat.keystore -ext san="<san>"
Specify the certificate signing request path to the <filename>, and update <alias> and <san> to match that set in step 1.
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr -keystore tomcat.keystore -ext san=",dns:fmeserver"
Submit the CSR (for example, certreq.csr) generated in step 3 to your CA to obtain a certificate, according to your CA's instructions.
If you have multiple certificates, install them in the following order, and be sure to update the alias and certificate path for each.
keytool -import -alias root -keystore tomcat.keystore -trustcacerts -file <path/certificate_filename>
keytool -import -alias intermediate -keystore tomcat.keystore -trustcacerts -file <path/certificate_filename>
keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore tomcat.keystore -trustcacerts -file <path/certificate_filename>
Note: Use the same <alias> specified in step 1.
In a command prompt, from <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\jre\bin\, use the following command to import the keystore into FME Server's trusted certs, specifying the srcstorepass argument with the password from step 1.
keytool -importkeystore -noprompt -srckeystore tomcat.keystore -destkeystore "<FMEServerDir>\Utilities\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -deststorepass changeit -srcstorepass <password>
Note: Ignore the warning that the destination type must default to jks.
Navigate to <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf and make backups of server.xml, web.xml, and context.xml. We recommend this step so that you can easily revert the configuration at any point if necessary.
<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
clientAuth="false" sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"
URIEncoding="UTF8" />
<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirectPort="443"/>
Make sure to update the keystoreFile and keystorePass parameters to the keystore location and password set in step 1. For an example, see this server.xml reference.
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator" disableProxyCaching="false" />
a. Run a text editor as an administrator and open fmeServerConfig.txt.
b. Update the FME_SERVER_WEB_URL directive by changing http to https and change the port to the same one specified in step 8.
c. Save and close the file.
To submit jobs on FME Server via HTTPS, you must enable SSL for the FME Server Web Services.
Your FME Server is now configured to work via HTTPS. However, if you are using the WebSocket Server or Integrated Windows Authentication, some additional steps are required.
The FME Server WebSocket Server supports insecure (ws://) or secure connections (wss://). This configuration is only required if you want to use the WebSocket Server or Topic Monitoring (legacy).
Note: Use forward slashes, which may be different from the path in server.xml.
Note: Do not enclose the password in quotes.
Note: <FMESharedResourceDir> refers to the location of the FME Server System Share, specified during installation.
Note: This step is applicable only if you want to use Integrated Windows Authentication (single sign-on) to access the FME Server Web Interface.
For example:
Using a PFX or P12 Certificate
Use these instructions to configure your FME Server for HTTPS using a .pfx or .p12 certificate obtained from a Certificate Authority (CA). If you do not have a certificate, follow the instructions for Using a CA-issued Certificate (above) instead.

- Import your PFX keystore into the FME Server Keystore
- Open a command prompt as an administrator and navigate to the FME Server installation Java bin directory:
- Run the following command to create a new keystore file to an updated PFX path and filename:
- You are prompted for the source and destination keystore password. These must be the passwords provided with the PFX, and must both be the same.
- Make a backup of the Tomcat XML configuration files
- Configure server.xml
- Run a text editor as an administrator and open server.xml, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf.
- Locate the SSLEngine setting in the <Listener> element, including className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" and change the "on" value to "off".
- Locate the <Connector> element that contains protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" and replace the entire element with:
- (Optional) To change the port for HTTPS communication, change 443 to the desired port, for both the port and redirectPort directives.
- Save and close the server.xml file.
- Configure web.xml
- Open web.xml, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf.
- Add the following code block to the end of the file, just before the closing </web-app> element:
- Save and close the web.xml file.
- Configure context.xml
- Open context.xml, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf.
- Add the following to the end of the file, just before the closing </context> element:
- Save and close the context.xml file.
- Update the FME Server Web URL to Use HTTPS
- Export the certificate from the browser in base 64 format and import it into the cacerts trust store
- Verify the HTTPS Configuration
- Restart FME Server.
- Open a web browser and navigate to https://localhost/. If you configured Tomcat to use a port other than the standard port 443, also specify the port (https://localhost:<port>).
- You should see the FME Server login page in a secured format.
- Modify Service URLs to Use HTTPS
- In the FME Server Web User Interface, open the Services page.
- Click Change All Hosts and, in the URL Pattern field, change HTTP to HTTPS. (FME Server may have already set this change.) If required, modify the port number—typically SSL is configured on either port 8443 or 443. When finished, click OK.
- Run a sample workspace with the data download and job submitter services to confirm your FME Server is working with HTTPS.
- (Optional) Enable SSL on the WebSocket Server
- Run a text editor as an administrator and open the fmeWebSocketConfig.txt file in your FME Server installation directory (<FMEServerDir>\Server).
- Set
. - Uncomment the WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH directive and set it to reference the keystore file set in server.xml in step 3. For example:
- Uncomment the WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD directive and set it to reference the keystore file password set in server.xml in step 3. For example:
- Specify the same settings for the WEBSOCKET_ENABLE_SSL, WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH, and WEBSOCKET_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD directives in the following files:
- <FMEServerDir>\Server\config\subscribers\
- <FMEServerDir>\Server\config\publishers\
- In the following files, update the protocol in the
property of the PROPERTY directive from"ws:"
- <FMESharedResourceDir>\localization\publishers\websocket\publisherProperties.xml
- <FMESharedResourceDir>\localization\subscribers\websocket\subscriberProperties.xml
- Run the following .bat files, located in <FMEServerDir>\Clients\utilities:
- addPublishers.bat
- addSubscribers.bat
- Restart FME Server.
- To test that the configuration is complete, run jobs and view Topic Monitoring.
- (Optional) Update the SSO Authentication URL to use HTTPS
- Run a text editor as an administrator and open the fmeserver, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\webapps\fmeserver\WEB-INF\conf\.
- Locate the SINGLE_SIGN_ON_AUTH_URL parameter, and update the host name and port portion of the URL to match the host name through which the FME Server Web User Interface is accessed.
cd <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\jre\bin\
Note: <FMEServerDir> refers to the location of the FME Server installation folder, specified during installation.
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <certpath>\<certificate_name>.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore tomcat.keystore -deststoretype pkcs12
Go to <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf and make backups of server.xml, web.xml, and context.xml.
<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
clientAuth="false" sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"
URIEncoding="UTF8" />
<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirectPort="443"/>
Make sure to update the keystoreFile and keystorePass parameters to the keystore location and password set in step 1. For an example, see this server.xml reference.
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator" disableProxyCaching="false" />
a. Run a text editor as an administrator and open fmeServerConfig.txt.
b. Update the FME_SERVER_WEB_URL directive by changing http to https and change the port to the same one specified in step 3.
c. Save and close the file.
Note: Instructions may differ slightly in a browser other than Chrome.
a. Restart the FME Server Application Server service
b. Open a browser and navigate to https://localhost/. If you configured Tomcat to use a port other than the standard port 443, also specify the port (https://localhost:<port>;;).
c. View the certificate from the browser.
d. Open Details and click Copy to File.
e. Save as Base-64 encoded X.509 (CER) to local disk (for example, <certpath>\mycert.cer)
f. Import the keystore into FME Server's trusted certs
In a command prompt from <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\jre\bin\, use the following command to import the keystore into FME Server’s trusted certs:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -file <certpath>\mycert.cer
To submit jobs on FME Server via HTTPS, you must enable SSL for the FME Server Web Services.
Your FME Server is now configured to work via HTTPS. However, if you are using the WebSocket Server or Integrated Windows Authentication, some additional steps are required.
The FME Server WebSocket Server supports insecure (ws://) or secure connections (wss://). This configuration is only required if you want to use the WebSocket Server or Topic Monitoring (legacy).
Note: Use forward slashes, which may be different from the path in server.xml.
Note: Do not enclose the password in quotes.
Note: <FMESharedResourceDir> refers to the location of the FME Server System Share, specified during installation.
Note: This step is applicable only if you want to use Integrated Windows Authentication (single sign-on) to access the FME Server Web Interface.
For example: