Updating the Web Browser Configuration
Depending on the browser used to access the FME Server Web User Interface, additional configuration steps may be required for Integrated Windows Authentication (single sign-on).

Single sign-on is supported in Internet Explorer versions 2 and later.
In most common Windows domain configurations, no additional configuration is necessary. However, if a user is unable to use single sign-on with FME Server, check the following:
- Open 'Internet Options' from the Start menu. (In Windows XP, you can access 'Internet Options' from the Tools menu in Internet Explorer.)
- On the 'Security' tab, select 'Local intranet'.
- If FME Server is not a part of the local intranet, add it to the list of local intranet sites. To do so, click Sites -> Advanced, then add the site address (for example, http://fmeserver.domain.net).
- On the 'Security' tab, select 'Local intranet' and click 'Custom level...'.
- Ensure that under User Authentication -> Login, 'Automatic logon only in Intranet zone' is selected.
- On the 'Advanced' tab, ensure that Security -> Enable Integrated Windows Authentication is checked.
- Restart the browser.

Single sign-on is supported in Chrome versions 8 and later.
In most common Windows domain configurations, no additional configuration is necessary. However, if a user is unable to use single sign-on with FME Server, perform the same steps outlined under Internet Explorer.

Single sign-on is supported on all versions of Firefox.
To enable single sign-on in Firefox:
- In the address bar, type about:config. Accept the warning if one appears.
- In the search bar, type network.negotiate.
- Select the preference 'network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris', and double-click it to modify its value.
- Enter FME Server's site address (for example, http://fmeserver.domain.net), and click OK. Do not specify a port or path. Multiple site addresses can be listed, separated by a comma (,).
- If using a private browsing tab, search for network.auth.private-browsing-sso.
- Double-click on network.auth.private-browsing-sso to change the Value to true.
- Restart the browser.

Single sign-on is currently not supported on these browsers.