Schedule Initiated

Use the Schedule trigger to complete workflow tasks at specific times in the future. You can use a Schedule trigger in conjunction with an Action, such as Run Workspace, or an External Action, such as Email.

The Schedule trigger has two output ports. The success port () can send a message if the trigger initiates successfully. The failure port (x) can send a message if the trigger fails to initiate.

Tip: You can test a workflow that is initiated by a Schedule trigger, regardless of the times the Schedule is configured to execute. See Testing a Schedule-Initiated Worfklow, below.


Output Keys

Testing a Schedule-Initiated Worfklow

For testing purposes, you can force a workflow that is initiated by a Schedule trigger to run at any time, regardless of the specified parameters of the Schedule.

When ready to test your Schedule Initiated workflow:

  1. Click Start Automation to enable the workflow.
  2. Double-click on the Schedule component you want to initiate the worfklow.
  3. Under Schedule Details, click Trigger.

A Trigger Schedule message displays to indicate whether the Schedule trigger was successfully requested. If so, the workflow runs as it is currently configured.