MapBox MBTiles Vector Tiles (MVT) Writer Feature Type Parameters

To access feature type parameters, click the gear icon on a feature type in the workspace. This opens the Feature Type Parameter Editor.

Tip: To always display the editor in Workbench, you can select View > Windows > Parameter Editor.


All feature types share similar General parameters, which may include Feature Type Name, Reader or Writer information, and Geometry.

In most Writer Feature Type parameter dialogs, you can also control Dynamic Schema Definitions. Some database formats accept a Table Qualifier prefix on the output table feature type.

Layer Zoom Levels

Minimum Zoom Level

Minimum zoom level at which tiles are generated.

Default: 0 – The Earth, which is the lowest possible zoom level.

Maximum Zoom Level

Maximum zoom level at which tiles are generated. The maximum supported value is 22.

Default: 5 – Island

Layer Metadata

Defines the layer description, expressed as a string, and is written to a metadata table in the database.

This parameter is optional and defaults to an empty description.