Specifying the FME Edition to Use

If your floating license service supports multiple editions of FME, you can use the flexlm_config.dat file to tell FME what edition to use.

To determine the FME editions you are licensed for, consult the safe.lic file on your license server.

To specify the FME Edition to Use

On the computer that is running FME Desktop, edit (or create) flexlm_config.dat in the <FMEDir>\licenses\ folder.

The contents should be the following two lines:

Registered Product=<FME edition name>

<Displayed name in FME>

For example:

Registered Product=smallworld

FME Desktop Smallworld Edition

<FME edition name> is case-sensitive. <Displayed name in FME> appears when you navigate to Help > About in FME Workbench or FME Data Inspector.

Possible values for FME Edition Name are:

FME Edition Name Displayed Name in FME
professional FME Desktop Professional Edition
esri FME Desktop ESRI Edition
database FME Desktop Database Edition
smallworld FME Desktop Smallworld Edition